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The Future of TRS

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    The Future of TRS

    This is what I am looking for in a Train Sim !

    [Link Expired]

    Any chance of TRAINZ moving in that direction one day ?

    O t t o
    Web site:

    RE: The Future of TRS

    It already has except the P.S. part.


      RE: The Future of TRS

      I have heard that TRS2004 has correct CHUFF sounds matched to wheel rotation-not speed-but not sure about the 4 beats per revolution part.


        RE: The Future of TRS

        One chuff = revolution so what's the problem?


          Finding out the Hard Way


          so I figured it out again the hard way, not being able to find anything in the Manual which came with the CDs nor in the Manuals from the TRS-2004 Main-Menu.

          Quite clever, letting you switch between Consists and control Switches in the "Moving Map", did that before ? But as you said, new Consists can not be dropped into the Route that way anymore. The other functionalities I would like to see in a Train Sim, such as changing Driver Cabs and with it direction of travel and better Track Sounds will have to wait for future releases ?

          B.t.w. is there a way to slow down my over-sensitive and hyperactive Camera Control right Mouse Button. It's difficult to work in the Surveyor, the screen display flying around like mad at the slightest touch of the right Mouse Button !

          Can the "DRIVER" or "SCENARIO" Screens be MINIMISED to the Task bar to let me load the Irfanviewer screen saver I forgot to do before running TRS ?

          O t t o

          [Link Expired]

          [Link Expired]
          Web site:


            RE: The Future of TRS


            most Steam Locos CHUFF 4 times during every full revolution of their driving wheels, variably according to their speed.

            Anything different to that is not acceptable as far as I am concerned !

            O t t o
            Web site:


              RE: Finding out the Hard Way

              >Quite clever, letting you switch between Consists and
              >control Switches in the "Moving Map", did that before ?


              >as you said, new Consists can not be dropped into the Route
              >that way anymore. The other functionalities I would like to
              >see in a Train Sim, such as changing Driver Cabs and with it
              >direction of travel and better Track Sounds will have to
              >wait for future releases ?

              Changing cabs in same car = Ctrl+C

              >B.t.w. is there a way to slow down my over-sensitive and
              >hyperactive Camera Control right Mouse Button. It's
              >difficult to work in the Surveyor, the screen display flying
              >around like mad at the slightest touch of the right Mouse
              >Button !

              Ctrol+O while in surveyor will let you controll compass speed.
              Another trick is point wiht mouse and hit Space bar instead of hlding RMB,
              that way your view will move only to where the mouse cursor was.

              >Can the "DRIVER" or "SCENARIO" Screens be MINIMISED to the
              >Task bar to let me load the Irfanviewer screen saver I
              >forgot to do before running TRS ?

              Alt+Tab doesn't seem to work for some people including me while it works for some.
              Try the windows key on keyboard or Ctrl+Escape instead.


                RE: The Future of TRS

                Hmm, I guess I don't know anything about steams, sorry for putting my head where it doesn't belong


                  RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                  Sorry, it's not Ctrl+C but Alt+C


                    RE: The Future of TRS

                    No prob, Georgi !

                    Being 74 years old I grew up with the sound of Steam Locos ! Not many left in service anymore except on some Tourist Excursion routes. ;-)

                    Older Steam Locos having 2 cylinders did only 2 CHUFFS per one driving wheels revolution, whereas more modern have 4 = 4 CHUFFS. Like in a 4-cylinder car they apply motion power one ofter the other. Some I learned here have even more cylinders than that.

                    O t t o

                    Afterthought-P.S.: Takes me back to when I was a kid, playing trains with my mates in the playgrounds, running around pretending to be a Steam Train, making "Chuff, Chuff" noises. A bit more difficult nowadays pretending to be a Diesel or Electric Loco ! :7
                    Web site:


                      RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                      Thanks, Georgi.

                      Been searching for a complete list of "Keyboard Shortcuts" in all the Manuals. All I got is a Foldout which came with the UTC CD, none with the TRS-2004.

                      Some of the UTC shortcuts have been changed, like Ctr-Spacebar to hide all Menus is now F5.

                      Can you tell me where I can find such a comprehensive list of TRS-2004 Keyboard Shortcuts. Trying to ask in the TRAINZ-TRS Forum is like asking the man in the moon. Wrong part of the world for my ISP connection it seems, responding at snail's pace ! ;-)

                      O t t o
                      Web site:


                        RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                        They'll get new servers next week so the speed problem should be sloved soon.

                        For the complete list, go to \TRS2004\Docs\manuals_cd\manuals\Technical_Manual. pdf and check out last two pages.


                          RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                          I just looked into that Manual minutes ago and never read that paragraph about the Appendix on the "Welcome" page, looking for a mention in an index. x(

                          Great, now I got most of what I need to know about TRS. All I have to do now is get some 3rd Party stuff, hoping that Downloads will be easier for my ISP connection after they upgraded their Servers ?

                          Take Care, O t t o.

                          P.S.: You too seem to spend a lot of time in front of your monitor. Not good for your health even at your age ! ;-)
                          Web site:


                            RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                            Looking good, Georgi !

                            There is space on the wall for a 40" TFT-LCD flat Monitor ! If you are a good boy, Santa might bring you one ? :7

                            You can see my kit I am spending most of my time in front of at:

                            Got to be on tap most of the time in case one of my client's 51 sites has a problem they need me to sort out via my analogue modems connecting to them with PcAnywhere.

                            Like the Fire brigade, but nothing much is happening most of the time ! ;-) That's why I seem to be in the Forum a lot, using my Train Sims, having nothing better to do. :-) Must do more exercise, having had a minor Heart Attack end of August !

                            O t t o

                            Edit-P.S.: Forgot to tell you that I checked out one of the Routes running a Steam Loco earlier on, practising what I have learned so far. Not only has it turning flanged wheels, it also "CHUFF CHUFF"s properly, synchronised in time with the speed of the driving wheels ! Makes no difference how many CHUFFs it makes, it's the correct timing of them which is important.

                            Web site:


                              RE: Finding out the Hard Way

                              I love your keyboard, those are thing are indestructible unlike todays "Oh, I hit Enter too strong and now I have to spend another $50 on fancy keyboard" trash :P

