I have posted a patch for RW_Tools v2.0.14 on my site. New options are:-
1. New option to Backup RailWorks on the Files menu, this will backup the RailWorks Assets, Content and Root folders to the path selected in the Options Menu for RW backups. Each backup will be in a numbered folder, Backup1, Backup2 etc.
2. Also added a new column to the Edit Assets screen to show the Blueprint being used by any particular Asset.
1. New option to Backup RailWorks on the Files menu, this will backup the RailWorks Assets, Content and Root folders to the path selected in the Options Menu for RW backups. Each backup will be in a numbered folder, Backup1, Backup2 etc.
2. Also added a new column to the Edit Assets screen to show the Blueprint being used by any particular Asset.