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Problem with RW Westin Yard Work Scenario

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    Problem with RW Westin Yard Work Scenario

    I have installed RS/RW Scenario--Westin Yard Work in RW running in Steam. I think I have followed all the directions in adding additional content, in this case a reskin of a SW1200. Things seem to load OK. But when I try to run the scenario, I get the following error:

    consist builder- can't load rail vehicle- FLC-GP9_hi_ndb
    consist builder- can't load rail vehicle- FLC-sw1200-f

    I checked with the creator of the sw1200 reskin. He said to check with the creator of the scenario to determine the problem. So here I am.

    Can the creator of this scenario or anyone help me figure out what is wrong or what I am doing wrong in the installation?

    Thank you.

    Missing Vehicles

    I am NOT the author of the scenario or have any other connection to the scenario BUT...

    Two solutions - 1) Cheap : Download RW_Tools (donationware) available at and edit the scenario to remove and replace the missing equipment with diesels in your collection. The scenario will then work. By the way Mike Simpson's software will check for any additional missing rail vehicles. I would call it an essential tool.
    2) Bargain Sale : Go to and search for the RS Colton and Northern Set I believe that at least two and perhaps all the missing equipment is for sale.

    This features a problem with distributing scenario sets. Otto (I believe) would have the scenario developer include all of the required rail vehicles with the scenario. Good idea except in instances like this in which the vehicles are not freeware or shareware. I do believe that published scenario for RS/RW should include an equipment list with sources, so the user can easily check and obtain the missing vehicles. Again an easy filel to develop using RW_Tools.
    Last edited by jimbf; 09-20-2009, 15:18.


      I answered this the other day a few messages down.

