I believe Rolling Line may indeed see a TurnTable perhaps offered with next official update / expansion.
In the meantime, I began building a 3-Bay-RoundHouse trying new shapes, technics, etc.
For the hell of it I hardwired the roof textures inplace, while allowing walls to be user painted.
Users will be able to both scale & fit more stalls as needed by placing prop side-by-side.
I took several quick snapshots for ideas, inspiration, possibilities.
Not knowing details of TT. RHs curvature, could pose an issue while laying trk inplace.
Not so sure if should release just yet while we wait TTs arrival. Excited just the same.
In the meantime, I began building a 3-Bay-RoundHouse trying new shapes, technics, etc.
For the hell of it I hardwired the roof textures inplace, while allowing walls to be user painted.
Users will be able to both scale & fit more stalls as needed by placing prop side-by-side.
I took several quick snapshots for ideas, inspiration, possibilities.
Not knowing details of TT. RHs curvature, could pose an issue while laying trk inplace.
Not so sure if should release just yet while we wait TTs arrival. Excited just the same.