Hi there
First of all, thanks for your work in saving and moving this site.
One change I've noticed and miss as I used it every time i read a discussion thread.
There used to be a couple of quick navigation buttons in the lower right corner of a discussion thread. One was a drop down menu listing all the subcategories of discussion forums and the other button was "Top" which took you back to the top of the page.
These have disappeared in the last couple of days.
Is there any way to at least get the "Top" button back?
BTW love the tuscan red theme!
First of all, thanks for your work in saving and moving this site.
One change I've noticed and miss as I used it every time i read a discussion thread.
There used to be a couple of quick navigation buttons in the lower right corner of a discussion thread. One was a drop down menu listing all the subcategories of discussion forums and the other button was "Top" which took you back to the top of the page.
These have disappeared in the last couple of days.
Is there any way to at least get the "Top" button back?
BTW love the tuscan red theme!