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No extended shape data for eheidi.s

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  • dedwa15237
    Okay enough of the bickering... Move on... Thread closed.....

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  • R. Steele
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    R. Steele, sorry if I upset you. I only tried OpenRails because you said "development has made serious efforts to accommodate legacy MSTS activities and equipment"... but if "serious efforts" means that I have to move my eyes every time I move a control with a shitty cursor you put there, we have a serious problem.. and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately I recognize that despair in promoting your product is one of the risks of open source development ~ just like LibreOffice is trying to undercut Apache OpenOffice with half-truths and falsehoods, while offering an inferior product ~ and also recognize that it is better that you offload your "contributions to humanity" into OpenRails instead of something that may hurt real-life communities or nature in the long run
    To: Michael R. Steam~ed: aka "steamonly"
    Subject: Choose one -- icebergs, libre vs apache, humanity, ad hominem arguments, improper use of personal pronouns, shallow thinking...and the list goes on.

    [to rephrase what a wise colleague of mine recently posted...these will be my last words on the subject]

    My Dear Child: Apology accepted, but unwarranted. Not upset at all, but nice of you to think of me.
    Last edited by R. Steele; 07-18-2022, 17:58.

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  • Vince
    ... and the vast majority of routes over there are sold for money.
    Excuse me but the vast majority of routes ( and rolling stock! ) available for Open Rails are free!

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  • steamonly
    NorthernWarrior, indeed, I settled on Dovetail Train Sim Classic... the 2009 one, not the new one. I simply can't stand that improved hud they implemented since Railworks 2. I want to drive a train, not a trainset. It's quite funny how Trainz corrupted the design standpoint of every other choo choo game, but I am glad Railworks 1 / Train Sim Classic exists... it's in the same time it makes me really really sad that people only see value in the simulation of a simulation (i.e. a trainset simulator) and not in a simulation.

    R. Steele, sorry if I upset you. I only tried OpenRails because you said "development has made serious efforts to accommodate legacy MSTS activities and equipment"... but if "serious efforts" means that I have to move my eyes every time I move a control with a shitty cursor you put there, we have a serious problem.. and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately I recognize that despair in promoting your product is one of the risks of open source development ~ just like LibreOffice is trying to undercut Apache OpenOffice with half-truths and falsehoods, while offering an inferior product ~ and also recognize that it is better that you offload your "contributions to humanity" into OpenRails instead of something that may hurt real-life communities or nature in the long run

    daniellouwrens, I appreciate your argument, but I wish to stay away from custom routes unless somebody actually starts reviewing them; I do not have time to download routes and try them out, so I trust the original developers who risked their livelihood on their choices. They are good choices. They are the soul of the game. Also, not even Dovetail TS has any centralized route review resource, where a journalist actually goes through the tracks, tests and compares them... and the vast majority of routes over there are sold for money. So you see the problem.

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  • daniellouwrens
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    I will try to try Open Rails but as I am mainly interested in playing the original roads and original activities, I do not feel certain it will not modify things in the wrong direction.
    I have a very large install (136 ROUTES) which MSTS will not even open (on my rig) but OR runs very well.
    So far I have tested every activity in 26 routes with no OR errors.

    You will save yourself a lot of grief if you run OR


    Last edited by daniellouwrens; 07-18-2022, 13:04.

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  • NorthernWarrior
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    Slipperman, thank you for your observation, I have used the mem option on train.exe... I can assure you I am better at computers than not derailing an Acela below the speed limit...

    R. Steele, thank you, I tried OpenRails and posted my scathing report in the respective subforum. I would link it here but my topic is pending moderator approval, like all my posts unfortunately.

    Anyway I will also try to hunt down the 2008 Rail Simulator, although it seems quite impossible. There is incredibly little information about it online, and while I was informed that RailWorks includes the Rail Simulator routes & trains, I'm mainly concerned that the on-screen-display interface is the same as RailWorks series (which I would prefer to avoid).
    The Kuju Rail Simulator has long been obsolete. You need to buy the Dovetail Train Sim Classic off Steam.

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  • R. Steele
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    R. Steele, thank you, I tried OpenRails and posted my scathing report in the respective subforum. I would link it here but my topic is pending moderator approval, like all my posts unfortunately.
    Scathing? perhaps. If one appreciates amateur scathe --- certainly uninformed and showing little self reading a report from a person who could fly a kite but gets in the cockpit of a plane with wings and engines and complains they cannot get the dang thing off the ground... so their logic dictates the problem lies with the plane.

    Go back to the kite...keep playing MSTS, you'll be happier. No frustrations ( self-generated ) in learning something new, unless and until a new Windows OS prevents you from using MSTS. Bon Voyage!Click image for larger version

Name:	1hat in hand.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	4.7 KB
ID:	2204160

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  • steamonly
    Slipperman, thank you for your observation, I have used the mem option on train.exe... I can assure you I am better at computers than not derailing an Acela below the speed limit...

    R. Steele, thank you, I tried OpenRails and posted my scathing report in the respective subforum. I would link it here but my topic is pending moderator approval, like all my posts unfortunately.

    Anyway I will also try to hunt down the 2008 Rail Simulator, although it seems quite impossible. There is incredibly little information about it online, and while I was informed that RailWorks includes the Rail Simulator routes & trains, I'm mainly concerned that the on-screen-display interface is the same as RailWorks series (which I would prefer to avoid).

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  • slipperman
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    Route Riter, which was recommended in one thread, for checking routes for missing objects, is not present on the internet anymore
    With respect, Mike Simpson's last version of Route_Riter is available from this site as

    As you seem keen to use MSTS, the ' -mem:nnnn' option may only be applied to the shortcut's Target path if it includes train.exe - it does not work with launcher.exe.


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  • R. Steele
    Originally posted by steamonly View Post
    ... I do not feel certain it will not modify things in the wrong direction.
    More than likely, your assumption is not, not wrong...OR development has made serious efforts to accommodate legacy MSTS activities and equipment. Specific attention being made to steam. You should download the most recent stable version here >>> -- follow install and setup instructions, get a copy of the manual and give it a try.
    Last edited by R. Steele; 07-16-2022, 12:22.

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  • steamonly
    Thank you for the reply.
    Since then I culled through the Windows 10 MSTS installation guides and applied the only thing I did not do, namely the memory command line option (-mem:1024).
    Unfortunately it didn't work, as I had another crash, this way with the Flying Scotsman chugging up the hill. It makes me sad that all these errors happen with the steam locomotive routes. Also I can't believe that back in the day they built all stations on slope...
    I will try to try Open Rails but as I am mainly interested in playing the original roads and original activities, I do not feel certain it will not modify things in the wrong direction.

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  • ebnertra000
    There is no such shape as eheidi.s, however there is an oeheidi.s, which is a scenery object. If the error you're getting actually references eheidi.s, there may be a bad .w file entry or something. Not really sure how to track it down unless you can get a tile number from one of the error messages.
    Alternatively, if you have Open Rails installed, you can run a traib through the area and see if anything appears in the log file

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  • steamonly
    started a topic No extended shape data for eheidi.s

    No extended shape data for eheidi.s

    First of all, sorry for not posting this in the Help and Assistance forum because it seems locked.

    I was running the Innsbruck - St. Anton passenger tutorial on my new MSTS installation and it crashed with an error message saying "No extended shape data for eheidi.s" and then two or three others related to the same thing which I had no time reading as it crashed for good and all the error boxes disappeared... but I remember seeing something related to ROUTES/EUROPE2 and indeed there is no heidi or e-heidi over there...

    Technical details: Windows 10, patched to 1.4, installed X-Tracks 3.21 (maybe I shouldn't have?)
    Played at least an activity on all electric/diesel routes, absolutely no problems.

    I tried searching but apart from a few hits on this forum, I have not found anything relevant. Route Riter, which was recommended in one thread, for checking routes for missing objects, is not present on the internet anymore, and the installer was not saved to

    Have you got any clue?
    I am quite disappointed as I do not wish to start a 3 hour activity on a steam train which loves to roll backwards, just to be interrupted by some