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SMS Variable Triggers - types and conditions available to use?

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    SMS Variable Triggers - types and conditions available to use?

    I've looked here and elsewhere under every combination of search terms I can think of and haven't found an explanation for this... What I'm curious about are variable triggers in .sms files. A couple examples of what I'm curious about would be:

    Variable_Trigger ( Variable1_Inc_Past ... etc etc


    Variable_Trigger ( Speed_Dec_Past ... etc etc

    Is there such a thing as a list of the different types of variable triggers that are available to be used? For example, how many options are available - speed, variable1, variable2, others? And as far as conditions go such as increase past, decrease past, how many others are avaiable to be used?

    In tinkering with .sms files it would be nice to know if other options are available beyond the ones I seem to commonly see - likewise if other possibilities don't exist either.

    If I missed where this is explained somewhere I'd appreciate a link - and apologize in advance if my request duplicates existing threads or resources.




      I've looked at the steam4me tutorial before already, and that doesn't really answer my question... Unless of course the variable triggers and conditions described in the tutorial are the only ones available and no others have been discovered since it was written in 2002?


        Variable1 to 3 are hardcoded names with the definitions give in the above "doku". It may be from 2002 but it still is the definitive info on MSTS sound, unless you have discovered different?


          Look through a few of my SMS files, mainly the GE FDL16 set I made. I utilize alot of different triggers that are labeled by the Stream's Comment section such as Aircompressor.



            I haven't discovered anything new or different from the doku sms tutorial... In tinkering with different sms files I just started wondering if any other options for the handling of variables as triggers were possible, given all the things that have been discovered to improve MSTS through the years.

            As an example, could you use a variable trigger to turn streams on ( SetStreamVolume ( 1 ) ) and off ( SetStreamVolume ( 0 ) ) by a variable trigger with a "condition" rather than an "event". For instance, a single hypothetical condition trigger of "Variable2_Greater_Than" some value rather than the separate "events" of increasing or decreasing past a certain value. Curiosity and speculation got the best of me and I had to ask - if the doku tutorial is still definitive, then that takes care of what I wanted to know and I appreciate the replies from you and all

            On that note, my compliments to BNSFfan for the sounds you've put out there, like the FDL16 set you mentioned! I've used that one and others as well, and have truly enjoyed them all - thanks for all the effort I'm sure it took to put all of those together and making them available I've learned a lot from studying your sms files and others as well.



              In addition to what is written in the sms_doku page, I have found out that variable 1 is proportional to throttle value in electric traction units (I don't know if this is a MSTSBin improvement or if it was already there in the original MSTS), and that variable 2 is proportional to RPM in gear-based diesels (present already in the original MSTS).
              SetStreamVolume (volumevalue) can be used and works within a Variable Trigger statement. It does not work however at the moment in OpenRails.


