Dustin, why not keep both and mix them up?
One thing I learned working for the railroad is that cars and locomotives did not all sound (or look) alike once you got to know them better. (It's that way with people too!)
One striking example: We had 7 GP9's. But one, an ex SP rebuild, would pull noticeably harder than the others. It sounded better too. This caused interesting results when it was MUed to another GP9. You'd get a kick as it applied it's power at an uneven rate against the other. This was magnified when we had one at each end of a train with slack in between.
One thing I learned working for the railroad is that cars and locomotives did not all sound (or look) alike once you got to know them better. (It's that way with people too!)
One striking example: We had 7 GP9's. But one, an ex SP rebuild, would pull noticeably harder than the others. It sounded better too. This caused interesting results when it was MUed to another GP9. You'd get a kick as it applied it's power at an uneven rate against the other. This was magnified when we had one at each end of a train with slack in between.