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How do you change the rate of a .sms file?

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    How do you change the rate of a .sms file?

    (Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I can't find a post about it, although I remember seeing one somewhere."

    I made a horn that is set at a rate of 22050 Hz. MSTS only allows, by default 11025 Hz. I can't re-sample, because it would make the horn sound bad. So, how do I make it play this file properly in the sim?
    Parker B. - A Misplaced Midwesterner.
    Also known as Mr. Two Bits and Mr. Squarewheels.

    You need to insert a 'static override' in the parenthesis of the horn section. Your Stream parenthesis should look like....

    Stream (
    Priority ( 6 )
    Volume ( 1.0 )
    Triggers ( 2
    Discrete_Trigger ( 8 StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "-InsertNameHere-.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
    Discrete_Trigger ( 9 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump () )
    CurvePoints ( 3
    -100 22050
    0 22050
    100 22050
    Granularity ( 0 )


      Hi Noisemaker,
      Since I am a complete mess when it comes to weeding through and editing more complex items in the .sms file, may I confirm something with you based on your reply above?
      I am going to use your horn section above for my example scenarios.
      For instance;
      Let's say I am using Anthony's sound files, and I notice the horn section looks like this:
      Stream (
      Priority ( 6 )
      Volume ( 1.0 )
      Triggers ( 2
      Discrete_Trigger ( 8 StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "-AnthonyHorn-.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
      Discrete_Trigger ( 9 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump () )

      While I can't tell from looking at this what the rate is, if I wanted to change the rate to play at 22050, like what I find in SLI files, I simply add:
      CurvePoints ( 3
      -100 22050
      0 22050
      100 22050
      Granularity ( 0 )

      And now it will play at 22050?
      I ask because I want to use different horns for SLI trains and wanted the easiest way to convert them, so they work properly.

      Thanks very much
      Last edited by qballbandit; 07-17-2012, 16:12.

      Chicago Railroading Fan


        Thanks guys, I should be able to work from their.
        Parker B. - A Misplaced Midwesterner.
        Also known as Mr. Two Bits and Mr. Squarewheels.


          You got it Neil. Kinda fools MSTS and 'locks it in place' - be it 22050, or 44000, or as Ryan Reynolds is doing now - 48000.

          Again, as much as I like good quality audio - I'm still a bit leery of pushing the boundaries in this way with MSTS. Derek Miller and myself have agreed on sticking with 22050 for his upcoming sounds. Yes, they do sound a little better to me at 44, but then I'm running MSTS on some pretty good studio monitors here. And too, once everything gets going on MSTS, the brakes, the ambient SMS, the trackbed noises, etc. Does a pristine sound stay that pristine in it all? I like Anthony and Ryan's work immensely - but for 'basic well done recordings' and general consumption thereof, 22050 is a marked improvement over 11, still keeps overall download size small, and reduces 'echo anomalies' when doing Head Out and switching view positions quickly while engaging higher end horns and such.

          Stereolabs early 'John Cage Bubblegum' or later 'Captain Easy Chord' - incredible improvements in sound and music for the band. But I still like John Cage Bubblegum to this day - it's rough, raw, and more 'real' to me than their later polished Abbey Road epics. Not to say their later stuff isn't amazing either. Just need a whole new set of ears to listen to it, if you know what I mean.


            Appreciate your confirmation, my friend

            Chicago Railroading Fan

