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Horn Issue

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    Horn Issue

    Does anyone have any idea what causes horns in the SLI package for the SD70MAC and GEVOs to have a very low octave instead of the normal sound. At times the bell has the same issue....totally stumped on this one. Appreciate any suggestions



    Hey Chuck,
    Are you using them in the SLI engines that they came with, or are you dropping them into another authors sound set to use?
    If the latter, it's possible the sample rate doesn't match up to the .sms?
    I will never be a whiz at .sms files, but I have leaned that different sound sets are created at different sample rates.
    SLI is 22050, while Anthony's sounds, for example are different. (44something?)
    The funny thing is, I may be explaining this somewhat incorrectly, and a one of the sound guru's will set me straight.

    Chicago Railroading Fan


      It's a added parenthesis that may also need to be adjusted in the SMS. As Neil says, the Khz rating should match the WAV Khz. And/or make sure the proper WAV's are going to the proper SMS (IE; Stereo WAV's should go for interior situations such as Cab.SMS. And Mono WAV's should go to external situations such as Eng.SMS)

      Here's the parenthesis that should be added and/or corrected to match the WAV Khz rating...

      Stream (
      Priority ( 6 )
      Volume ( 0.9 )
      Triggers ( 2
      Discrete_Trigger ( 8 StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "LeslieA-125CAB44k.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
      Discrete_Trigger ( 9 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump () )
      CurvePoints ( 3
      -100 44100 (<-Change to 22050 if WAV is rated @ 22Khz. Or 48000 if WAV is rated 48Khz, etc.)
      0 44100
      100 44100

      Granularity ( 0 )

      What I've learned, and possibly SLI and others is that there's a 'echo effect' with high rated WAV's. Sounds at 48Khz, 64, or even 96Khz quality are barely noticeable in game. And due to their robust size, cause the SMS's to repeat themselves going from cab to head out, or other camera views right after blowing and/or ringing the horn and bell. 22khz is a marked improvement in sound quality over 11Khz, and IMHO mono/stereo WAV's should not exceed that.


        Great Information...I will try this tonight! THanks much!

