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Lights To Invoke WAG Sounds?

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    Lights To Invoke WAG Sounds?

    Really baffled to adding external baggage car sounds to WAG's with no lighting factors for the cars. The SMS and WAG entries on the sound line are correct - but no sound? Yet on all my other cars that have some form of lights on them, SMS's play fine, be it external and/or internal views assigned. Does some instigation of a light factor, even being the famed default FRED light have to be incorporated into a WAG for the sound line to be regarded?

    Originally posted by Noisemaker View Post
    Does some instigation of a light factor, even being the famed default FRED light have to be incorporated into a WAG for the sound line to be regarded?
    Definitely not. I guess you have the sound line in the WAG file in the same place as with your other cars? Has the lighting code been deleted from that WAG file or has there never been any? I think it could be caused by a missing or surplus parentheses or by a parentheses in the wrong place.


      If you do have a lights section, there should only be four (4) closing parenthesis or brackets as they are sometimes called at the end of the lghts section. MSTS originally released a car with five (5) closing parenthesis and this error has been perpetuated for the last 13 years!! The result is that after the 5th parenthesis, nothing is read by MSTS resulting in no brakes and no sound for that wagon.



        Thanks guys. I've been comparing SMS and WAG's side by side as best I could and couldn't see much difference to 'working cars' and 'non-working cars'. But you may have a good point John, as I think these older baggage WAG's were utilizing the format off old default cars, and may have the 5 brackets as you say.


          If the bracket situation is ok, follow the path in the sound line. It may be aliased to a wagon you don't have.



            Think I concluded that lights of some sort definitely do need to be the WAG file in order for a SMS to sound. Soon as I inserted the default FRED light section to the WAG, it sounded as it should in game. So I guess in theory, if the WAG doesn't have a light section in it, MSTS almost regards it as a 'static object' needing a Sound Source near it to invoke the realism.


              if the WAG doesn't have a light section in it, MSTS almost regards it as a 'static object' needing a Sound Source near it to invoke the realism.

              I'm pretty certain that is incorrect! Many UK freight wagons don't have any lights parameters in their wag file and they can be heard passing by, using the F2, F3 or F4 views.



                Steve, the lights have nothing to do with it. All my wags have no lights with the exception of a few cabooses.



                  Could you post a copy of the wag file you are working with



                    Here's the WAG in question. Again with the Light section copied from the default BN Boxcar and inserted. Removing this parenthesis carefully disables sound, and when reinserted - sound comes back. Very weird....


                    Wagon ( CN_Mail_Express
                    comment( Original by Gaétan Bélanger. Modified by R. Foley )
                    comment( Car Airbrake upgrade v3.0 By Scott Borchardt (aka Wurger) )
                    comment( Car Friction upgrade v1.0 by Joseph Realmuto )
                    Type ( Carriage )
                    Name ( "CN_Mail_Express" )
                    WagonShape ( CN_Mail_Express.s )
                    Size ( 3.2m 4.118m 21.15m )
                    CentreOfGravity ( 0m 1.85m 0m )
                    Mass ( 60t #132,277 lbm av )
                    WheelRadius ( 0.5m )
                    InertiaTensor ( Box (3m 3.9m 25.2m) )
                    Coupling (
                    Type ( Automatic )
                    Spring (
                    Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m )
                    Damping ( 1.1e6N/m 1.8e6N/m )
                    Break ( 5e7N 5e7N )
                    r0 ( 10cm 15cm )
                    Velocity ( 0.1m/s )
                    Buffers (
                    Spring (
                    Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m )
                    Damping ( 3e6N/m/s 3e6N/m/s )
                    r0 ( 0m 1e9 )
                    Centre ( 0.5 )
                    Radius ( 1 )
                    Angle ( 0.5deg )
                    Adheasion ( 0.2 0.4 2 0 )
                    DerailRailHeight ( 4cm )
                    DerailRailForce ( 2.5*60t )
                    DerailBufferForce ( 400kN )
                    NumWheels ( 8 )
                    Friction (
                    900N/m/s 0 1mph 2.96N/m/s 1.8
                    5.1N/rad/s 1 -1rad/s 0 1
                    Lights ( 2

                    Light (
                    comment( Rear red light flashing dim )
                    Type ( 0 )
                    Conditions (
                    Headlight ( 2 )
                    Unit ( 3 )
                    FadeIn ( 0.5 )
                    FadeOut ( 0.5 )
                    Cycle ( 0 )
                    States ( 1
                    State (
                    Duration ( 0.0 )
                    LightColour ( 80ff0000 )
                    Position ( 0.824 3.572 -8.381 )
                    Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
                    Transition ( 0 )
                    Radius ( 1.0 )
                    Light (
                    comment( Rear red light flashing bright )
                    Type ( 0 )
                    Conditions (
                    Headlight ( 3 )
                    Unit ( 3 )
                    FadeIn ( 0.5 )
                    FadeOut ( 0.5 )
                    Cycle ( 0 )
                    States ( 1
                    State (
                    Duration ( 0.0 )
                    LightColour ( 80ff0000 )
                    Position ( 0.824 3.572 -8.381 )
                    Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
                    Transition ( 0 )
                    Radius ( 1.0 )

                    BrakeEquipmentType( "Handbrake, Triple_valve, Auxilary_reservoir, Emergency_brake_reservoir" )
                    BrakeSystemType( "Air_single_pipe" )
                    MaxBrakeForce( 14.4kN #60t*.24 disc brakes )

                    MaxHandbrakeForce( 35kN )
                    NumberOfHandbrakeLeverSteps( 100 )

                    TripleValveRatio( 2.5 )
                    MaxReleaseRate( 2.27 )
                    MaxApplicationRate( 1.717 )
                    MaxAuxilaryChargingRate( 1 )
                    EmergencyResCapacity( 2.604 )
                    EmergencyResChargingRate( 1 )
                    EmergencyBrakeResMaxPressure( 90 )
                    BrakeCylinderPressureForMaxBrakeBrakeForce( 64 )

                    Sound ( "HWBaggage.sms" )


                      Steve we need a copy of it with the lights removed...



                        I tried your WAG file as posted and the sound worked. Then I deleted the whole lights section, starting with the word "Lights" and including the four parentheses before "BrakeEquipmentType", and the sound still worked.



                          Steve, I copied and converted to unicode your wagon file and checked hrough it with J-Edit. No errors were found and the file as posted should work with no problems. You stated that when you removed a parenthesis the sound did not work. Which parenthesis are you referring to?

                          Also, have you checked your the sound path from your wagon to where the sound wav files are?

                          Lights ( 2

                          Light (
                          comment( Rear red light flashing dim )
                          Type ( 0 )
                          Conditions (
                          Headlight ( 2 )
                          Unit ( 3 )
                          FadeIn ( 0.5 )
                          FadeOut ( 0.5 )
                          Cycle ( 0 )
                          States ( 1
                          State (
                          Duration ( 0.0 )
                          LightColour ( 80ff0000 )
                          Position ( 0.824 3.572 -8.381 )
                          Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
                          Transition ( 0 )
                          Radius ( 1.0 )
                          Light (
                          comment( Rear red light flashing bright )
                          Type ( 0 )
                          Conditions (
                          Headlight ( 3 )
                          Unit ( 3 )
                          FadeIn ( 0.5 )
                          FadeOut ( 0.5 )
                          Cycle ( 0 )
                          States ( 1
                          State (
                          Duration ( 0.0 )
                          LightColour ( 80ff0000 )
                          Position ( 0.824 3.572 -8.381 )
                          Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
                          Transition ( 0 )
                          Radius ( 1.0 )



                            Leave in the light code, just change the color to 000000000.



                              Thanks guys. Was saying to Jim privately that I had been having troubles with MSTS recently where it was crashing on many activities. This I found is a call to move sliders around in Options and change things up a bit. I did so, and MSTS was running fine again, and I reset all sliders back to Max again. So may also be a issue to reinstall BIN as well?

                              Anuhow, Light Section seems to cure whatever the glitch is. And thanks Randy for the hint to kill the color with the code.

