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Question about horns

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    Question about horns


    I downloaded KLW's horn pack and I installed the K3H on one fo my locos. The problem is that the horn sounds too long so when I blow at a crossing, the shot blast sounds like a long blast. Is there a way to adjust it so it can be a short blast instead of a long one??

    Redfox_6900, MP47.8 NBEC's Newcastle Subdivision
    Future Engineer for New Brunswick East Coast Railway Co.

    Long Live NBEC's SD40s

    "Grab Life By The Horns!"- Dodge

    RE: Question about horns

    I have thise problem to, but I do not think there is a solution.



      RE: Question about horns

      No it doesn't. When I sound for a crossing, I always make it. You have to start blowing right at the W sign.


        RE: Question about horns

        Im using it on my SOO Line SD60's and it works a breeze!!

        >Mike Forster<
        Perth, Western Australia

        [Link Expired]


          RE: Question about horns

          Try going to Start\Programs\Accessories\Entertainment\Sound Recorder.
          Record the horn sound you want. Then edit it to the length you want, then reformat it to MSTS and put it in your file.



            RE: Question about horns

            Speaking about working on WAV files, I installed an engine that I thought had a whistle that played TOO long and offkey.

            When I loaded it into the MS Sound Recorder Accessory, the original file was 1.5 seconds in length. The one I wanted to replace it with, the Scotsman's whistle, was 3 seconds long. I used the Recorder, following the directions, to change the Scotsman replacement to 1.5 seconds. Saved it under the new file name that way.

            When I played it in the Sim hitting the horn, the whistle played only once. The HORN software in the Sim got sort of hungup. Wouldn't play the whistle any more, and made continuing BAD sounds. I didn't make any changes to the SMS file to cause this. When I put the original file back, it worked ok again.

            Any ideas what might have caused the newly-changed replacement file to not work?



              RE: Question about horns

              Hi Ted:
              When you save a sound from the Sound Recorder it is in the wrong format for MSTS.

              Go to Sound Recorder and open the .wav that you want. Click on Save As. In the popup box click on the CHANGE box at the bottom. In the NAME box, top of window, scroll down to Radio Quality. The next window down should show PCM, skip that and go to bottom window. Click on the scroll down and click on 11025Hz,16bit,stereo. Click OK then put in new file name if desired.

              After you save it, go to the file where you saved it and right click, and properties. In the Summary tab it should read:

              channel 2 (stereo)

              Hope this helps.



                RE: Question about horns


                Been busy and couldn't get to this job til now.

                The first time I tried it, I saw that the was a (PCM 11Khz Stereo 16bit) so I just saved it. Mono too. It hung up in the Sim software.

                The second time I tried it the way you mentioned about "change". Thought that might do something new. Nope. Same results in the Sim.

                Think I'll just abandon sound work. The rest keeps me busy enough.

                Thanks Cyndi


