I've noticed for a while that the Doppler effect has been working in reverse for a few months here. Today I did a lot of MSTS digging with no cure found. When the train passed and started moving away, all the sounds increased in frequency instead of dropping as they used to.
I tried many things, even a "freshly installed" MSTS version I save just for tests like this. Nothing I tried cured the Doppler reversal but I did finally realize that it probably wasn't an MSTS problem.
I fired up dxdiag and set the only sound adjustment it has to "Basic acceleration" and surprise, surprise ... the Doppler effect was working properly with frequencies dropping as the train passed and moved away!
I tried "Standard acceleration" but it and "Full acceleration" both caused the Doppler reverse effect. I have no idea what the actual cause is but at least I can "fix" the problem now. Perhaps it's an audio driver issue or maybe a DirectX 9.0c bug.
Has anyone else experienced the Doppler reversal "enhancement"? My hardware is a Realtek ALC882 with the latest driver (WDM v1.86).
I've noticed for a while that the Doppler effect has been working in reverse for a few months here. Today I did a lot of MSTS digging with no cure found. When the train passed and started moving away, all the sounds increased in frequency instead of dropping as they used to.
I tried many things, even a "freshly installed" MSTS version I save just for tests like this. Nothing I tried cured the Doppler reversal but I did finally realize that it probably wasn't an MSTS problem.
I fired up dxdiag and set the only sound adjustment it has to "Basic acceleration" and surprise, surprise ... the Doppler effect was working properly with frequencies dropping as the train passed and moved away!
I tried "Standard acceleration" but it and "Full acceleration" both caused the Doppler reverse effect. I have no idea what the actual cause is but at least I can "fix" the problem now. Perhaps it's an audio driver issue or maybe a DirectX 9.0c bug.
Has anyone else experienced the Doppler reversal "enhancement"? My hardware is a Realtek ALC882 with the latest driver (WDM v1.86).