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Buffalo Susquehanna route installation problem

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    Buffalo Susquehanna route installation problem

    Hi All !!

    I downloaded the Buffalo Susquehanna route, but cannot get it to install properly. Living near Buffalo, New York I am very interested in using this route. Has anyone had this problem and is there a fix if someone has? It seems to install properly using the batch file, but when loading Train Simulator, it gives an error message:

    unable to find or error finding: routes\?"\sigcfg.dat

    I have been out of the sim world for a while building my model railroad, but now am getting back into it.

    Maybe I did something wrong at the install? If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated! THANKS in advance for any help ............

    If you have windows 7, did you right click on route file when you unzipped the file and ran as Administor . Also did you run the installme.bat file. I would try running the installme. bat file. If that doesn't work. I would uninstall route, and reinstall route following the readme file.



      David, If MSTS wasn't installed per the tutorials then what you are saying is bad advice because the proper permissions have NOT beet setup.

      To B&OFan Don,
      Welcome (back) to the Forums.
      Originally posted by B&OFan View Post
      Hi All !!I downloaded the Buffalo Susquehanna route, but cannot get it to install properly. Living near Buffalo, New York I am very interested in using this route. Has anyone had this problem and is there a fix if someone has? It seems to install properly using the batch file, but when loading Train Simulator, it gives an error message:unable to find or error finding: routes\?"\sigcfg.dat
      I have been out of the sim world for a while building my model railroad, but now am getting back into it.
      Maybe I did something wrong at the install? If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated! THANKS in advance for any help ............
      First, did you install your main MSTS install with all seven (7) default routes?

      Did you d/l and install the required rolling stock as listed in the ReadMe?

      If running under Vista or Win7 did you install msts and any add-on'S per the tutorials here or at Steam4Me? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

      Last, as the download for the route does indeed contain the files you are missing,so the important question is did you run the install of the route with the proper administrator permissions enabled? (If Vista or Win7)
      09-22-07 31920 Buffalo & Susquehanna/sigcfg.dat 
      09-22-07 8953 Buffalo & Susquehanna/sigscr.dat
      The routes author neglected to state in the ReadMe and/or the file ID description what the requirements are for installing the route other thaan rolling stock (if there are any more at all) like x-Tracks, NewRoads, MSTS Bin Patch ect.
      There may be NO additional requirements but in this case apparently only the route author knows so I'd suggest you try getting in touch with him.
      Omitting such information make it very difficult for folks to install anything.

      Bottom Line:
      This is a very good example as to why anyone who is installing MSTS add-on's get familiar with the available utility test programs.
      All downloaded content should be tested by the end user before attempting to run it.
      Route_Riter, Conbuilder, Route Control Lite are all good to have on hand.
      Last edited by Vince; 12-16-2011, 10:38.
      ............Vince ..............
      ...... Author NECv4 .......
      .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
      ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

      On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
      "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
      the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


        THANKS for replying. I'm running Windows XP on the box I installed MSTS on. I extracted to the Microsoft Games TS/routes folder. I used the installme.bat file under my administrator log in. I tried uninstalling (deleting the B&S folder) and reinstalling it to no avail. It still gave me the error message when MSTS starts. The route is NOT listed in the routes drop down menu either. I followed the readme to the letter with no luck. Will continue to search for a solution, as I really would like to see the route due to my location .......... THANKS again, David.


          First, did you install your main MSTS install with all seven (7) default routes?

          YES - I also installed the Sandpatch Route from Maple Leaf Tracks with no issues.

          Did you d/l and install the required rolling stock as listed in the ReadMe?

          There were no required rolling stock listed.

          If running under Vista or Win7 did you install msts and any add-on'S per the tutorials here or at Steam4Me? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

          I'm running Windows XP as Administrator so that should not be a problem. I will try your suggestions tho ....

          Last, as the download for the route does indeed contain the files you are missing,so the important question is did you run the install of the route with the proper administrator permissions enabled? (If Vista or Win7)

          09-22-07 31920 Buffalo & Susquehanna/sigcfg.dat
          09-22-07 8953 Buffalo & Susquehanna/sigscr.dat
          The routes author neglected to state in the ReadMe and/or the file ID description what the requirements are for installing the route other thaan rolling stock (if there are any more at all) like x-Tracks, NewRoads, MSTS Bin Patch ect.
          There may be NO additional requirements but in this case apparently only the route author knows so I'd suggest you try getting in touch with him.
          Omitting such information make it very difficult for folks to install anything.

          I will try that next

          Bottom Line:
          This is a very good example as to why anyone who is installing MSTS add-on's get familiar with the available utility test programs.
          All downloaded content should be tested by the end user before attempting to run it.
          Route_Riter, Conbuilder, Route Control Lite are all good to have on hand.

          BIGTHANKS for all your help and suggestions - I've got my work cut out for me now .....


            Hi David,

            You don't need to bold everything.
            If you delete the b&s route, does MSTS start ok?

            What OS?
            Where is MSTS installed?



              SORRY about the BOLD. I deleted the route and MSTS starts fine. It runs with the route installed also, after I click continue after the error message, but the B&S route is not listed to use. I'm running windows XP and MSTS is installed on the C drive.

              THANKS for the reply


                Do you have a route entry called "Buffalo & Susquehanna"?
                does it have a .trk file in it?

                Do you use Train Store?



                  B&S is not listed in the route dropdown menu of MSTS when it is installed. Where do I find the trk file? What is Train Store?

                  THANKS for the quick reply.


                    Its not b&s its "Buffalo & Susquehanna", and if it doesn't appear, it would appear you have not unpacked the route to the correct location.

                    Can you use windows explorer and navigate to the routes folder and see if its there?



                      No I don't have "Buffalo & Susquehanna", listed in the routes dropdown menu. Yes, I can navigate to the folder listed under the routes folder listing in MSTS tho .....

                      I just can't use the route at all.

                      I have E-mailed the route's author. Hopefully I will get an E-mail reply from him.
                      Last edited by B&OFan; 12-17-2011, 19:13.


                        Are the normal files under the "Buffalo & Susquehanna" folder?, is the .trk file there?


                          Well, after much playing around, E-mailing the author and all of your kind replies I finally have the route installed and operating. I did not have Xtracks or Newroads installed at all - I did not even know what they were - DUH. After installing both,the route installed properly and it is off and running! THANK YOU to you all for your help in figuring this one out! Until my next problem ...........


                            Originally posted by B&OFan View Post
                            Well, after much playing around, E-mailing the author and all of your kind replies I finally have the route installed and operating. I did not have Xtracks or Newroads installed at all - I did not even know what they were - DUH. After installing both,the route installed properly and it is off and running! THANK YOU to you all for your help in figuring this one out! Until my next problem ...........
                            NO!! It NOT a DUH on your part. The route author (DUH!!) forgot to include some very basic instructions!! That XTracks and NewRoads required. Glad you got it up and running.

                            This is precisely why you should become current in the available utility/diagnostic programs. Route_Riter would have nailed the problem in a few minutes. File library content IS NOT TESTED except for virus infection. Authors please remember; You cannot test on YOUR system. You built on your system so of course it HAS all the needed add-on's!!

                            NOW would be the time for the route author to step up and do the right thing, update AT LEAST the route description that it REQUIRES X-TRACKS AND NEW ROADS.
                            Have a happy and safe new year.
                            Last edited by Vince; 12-27-2011, 10:56.
                            ............Vince ..............
                            ...... Author NECv4 .......
                            .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                            ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                            On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                            "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                            the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                            I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

