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Xmas cards 2013
Heh, and you say you're guilty of posting the same shot twice, the second post in an appropriate thread. Back when I was perhaps the worst member on the entire site in late 2011, I posted the same few shots (specifically one I used for a Christmas card and another shot of UP 951 with some editing I still love) no less than three or so times!
Sorry about the lack of a card. I'm still coming up with shots I can take for these cards.sigpic
Attached FilesA RR Mad Lip: It's Better Not 2 Show un Finished work when the work isn't Complete Proudly then getting let down about it When Posting & telling as it's Boldly Not SaFe 2 Urr Progress or Suportive Parents as it is to Post Regularly Round. Stay.Secretly.Working. & it will Keep it Civil and Safe from Gimme Pigs & Strike Downers
Nice pics guys, I might from klsc's book and use one for a holiday card
Hmm...Canadian shots or a new one?
New. Oversight of replacing the tree textures with the wrong ones notwithstanding...
You're choice, guys. Take your pick!Last edited by MP36PH3S; 12-06-2013, 21:25.Writer and Wolverine, among other things.
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