G'day, I edited the act file to run only the player train and it went to completion, so it would seem to be in the AI services (I don't suppose it could be caused by a static consist at all?) I am now editing the file so I will look at what you have said and go from there.
Edit:- I changed the original act to what you said but still got the same result. I will try running with the No2 AI removed and if there is still a crash I will try the other way, this may tell us which consist is the cause.
Edit:- That crashed as well, trying it with No2 AI only and see what happens, if there is still a crash I will try with static consists removed and see if that makes any difference (possibly AI sporning on top of static consist?)
Edit:- I changed the original act to what you said but still got the same result. I will try running with the No2 AI removed and if there is still a crash I will try the other way, this may tell us which consist is the cause.
Edit:- That crashed as well, trying it with No2 AI only and see what happens, if there is still a crash I will try with static consists removed and see if that makes any difference (possibly AI sporning on top of static consist?)