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Please let us know where yo are from and/or what Languige you are most familiar with.

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    Please let us know where yo are from and/or what Languige you are most familiar with.

    This would help with my understanding of your issues.

    This may not be PC but this is a forum in the USA.

    Best Regards

    Last edited by daniellouwrens; 03-08-2023, 11:48.
    Daniel - Sydney (Glad I'm not in Townsville)
    It used to be my favourite place in the world.

    Well whilst I'm in the US, I can say my two main languages are English and Swedish, with German becoming a clsoe third.


      USA! English( Poor when it comes to Grammar, never have been good @ it ). Pretty good @ "Rail-Fan" though,LOL!


        What I would love is if everyone posted the data in their profile.



        Not being proficient is not a problem, it's not understanding why may be
        a cause of agrivation...


        Daniel - Sydney (Glad I'm not in Townsville)
        It used to be my favourite place in the world.


          San Diego, CA, USA, English. I understand that sometimes the language barrier can be a small issue, but not something we can't work through.

          Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently-talented fool.


            There's actually a field in the user profile... languages spoken. Feel free to use it. It's now part of the header above one's post.

            (to edit yours --- > )
            Last edited by eric; 03-15-2023, 19:03.
            If you like what you see here at, be it the discussions and knowledge in the forums, items saved in our library or the ongoing development of our TSRE Fork, I hope you'll consider a paid membership to help support keeping the site operating.... Thanks!


              I be from the good ol' USA. Southwestern Michigan to be exact. Actually Caledonia, a southern suburb of Grand Rapids. As to languages, I'm fluent in Upper Midweatern English (where we say POP instead of soda) and also pig latin. Anca ouya eakspa igpa atinla?
              Larry Steiner
              Grand Rapids, MI
              (CSX Country)


                Originally posted by phydeaux View Post
                I be from the good ol' USA. Southwestern Michigan to be exact. ... and also pig latin. Anca ouya eakspa igpa atinla?
                Calhoun County for me...Cereal City....
                esya, luentlyfa -- aysa ahaa! -- sia yma avoritefa hrasepa.
                Cheers, Gerry
                "A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open." Frank Zappa
                It's my railroad and I'll do what I want! Historically accurate attitude of US Railroad Barons.
                Forever, ridin' drag in railroad knowledge.
                Audi, Vide, Tace, Si Vis Vivere In Pace


                  I am from Germany. English is ok for me. :-)


                    Maine, United States, and mostly broken English because the schools in Maine aren't absolutely not the best. Hahaha
                    -Shawn K-
                    Derby Rail Shops
                    Maine Central Mountain Division: 25% Track, 12% Scenery.


                      Originally posted by CSRX View Post
                      Maine, United States, and mostly broken English because the schools in Maine aren't absolutely not the best. Hahaha
                      With 11,000 posts, you seem to be holding your own.... i merged the count from your PORU account btw...

                      Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
                      If you like what you see here at, be it the discussions and knowledge in the forums, items saved in our library or the ongoing development of our TSRE Fork, I hope you'll consider a paid membership to help support keeping the site operating.... Thanks!


                        Lynchburg, Missouri here......English is my go to language


                          Originally posted by R. Steele View Post
                          Calhoun County for me...Cereal City....
                          esya, luentlyfa -- aysa ahaa! -- sia yma avoritefa hrasepa.
                          Geez, Gerry, we're practically neighbors! Who woulda thought.
                          Larry Steiner
                          Grand Rapids, MI
                          (CSX Country)


                            Originally posted by phydeaux View Post
                            Geez, Gerry, we're practically neighbors! Who woulda thought.
                            Hey, Larry...well not quite...grew up in BC, all the family that is still alive and kicking are there, but after joining USAF and getting discharged at March AFB in southern CA decided to in northern California...had more of a midwestern vibe than the SoCal-LA mega-metropolis zoo.

                            I posted Calhoun County, because I still feel I was lucky to begin life with a good foundation of Michigan roots.
                            Last edited by R. Steele; 03-17-2023, 10:41.
                            Cheers, Gerry
                            "A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open." Frank Zappa
                            It's my railroad and I'll do what I want! Historically accurate attitude of US Railroad Barons.
                            Forever, ridin' drag in railroad knowledge.
                            Audi, Vide, Tace, Si Vis Vivere In Pace


                              Ha! I grew up in southwestern Michigan as well... Though I use "soda" since I spent years living down in Indianapolis and then out in New Hampshire before moving back to northern Indiana just south of where I started. I did spend some time in the Bay Area, and you're right -- once you got into more rural northern California it seemed a lot more like the midwest. Or at least it did back in the 1980s...
                              MSTS-Roundhouse (Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By)

                              Open Rails and MSTS blog

