Its not a tough concept to learn, but it changes your re-skinning ability immensely. It requires a paint program that supports layers. (, gimp, Paintshop Pro, "suck you dry" Adobe tools, and Serif Affinity tools are among the tools that support layers) I use Affinity tools like Affinity Photo and Affinity designer.
Here is an example of a halfway finished texture.
You will notice that I have control over each layer in the image... and I can organize and change opacity of each level to allow features to impact other layers... the noise/grime for example shows through... versus being covered up by the reporting mark.
Here is an example of a halfway finished texture.
You will notice that I have control over each layer in the image... and I can organize and change opacity of each level to allow features to impact other layers... the noise/grime for example shows through... versus being covered up by the reporting mark.