Originally posted by adreid
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Scenic Sub?
It has been more than three years since Peter Murdock and I built the Open Rails BNSF Scenic STARTER Activities V2 (open_rails_starter_tutorial_2.zip) based on a prior version of this route. I am planning to update these activities to make them compatible with the version of this route currently available (but this may not happen right away, as I am busy with another project right now).
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Thank you guys for your input.... I'm still new to Open Rails, I'm discovering it before making an ''official installation'' on my desktop gaming machine. I didn't know you could change to manual mode within an activity. Will try your suggestions this morning.... Yes my laptop is a dinosaur a got for cheap but like an old F7 it's on its last miles.... I'm suprised I can run OR at 24-31 FPS with all settings to the right....!! I'm waiting for MSFS2024 to come out to buy a new gaming tower, once the specs will be known.... Will be kinda expensive I guess...
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Originally posted by Royalhudson View PostI have a question about an activity with Scenic Sub Starter Route 2006 version.... I'm stuck at a red signal near the west end of the route with the double stack container train since about 45 minutes.... No train in sight and I'm on the siding passed Everett Station at about MP 27 westbound.... Is there a bug in the default activity? Usually after 5 minutes or so the train I'm waiting for to arrive comes by and the signal goes green and I proceed back on the main.... Anyone experienced that? I have the 3 Dash 9 as power, not at ES44AC. Thanks!
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If I am in this position, I go to manual mode ( ctrl M ) hit the tab key and you should get a proceed indication, keep going.
If you want to know where you are I use the map ( ctrl 9 )
Your toshiba laptop is one year younger than mine!!
I don't have that version of the starter route, and nor do I have that activity.
I am running the westbound grain, which will be similar to the westbound container.Last edited by derekmorton; 05-17-2024, 19:56.
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I see in the log >>> UseLocationPassingPaths = False >>> try checking this box in Options/Simulations/Activity Options "Locations-Linked-Passing Path procressing". I leave it checked as my default. A little more sophisticated passing logic than the older MSTS logic. If you are running any new routes by TrainSimulations ( Mullan, Sp Shasta, etc, ) you should have it checked.
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I tried to go back in time in the activity in my post above and came in slower to see if the bloody train would come up at the red signal while I was on the siding, but no change... No train comes by on the main I'm stuck at a red signal until the end of time.... Is this a bug in the activity? Kinda frustrating I was almost at the end of the activity....
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Here is the name of activity as copied from the log file which is attached. As I said it's the first time it happens with this route. I'm nearing the end of a lonb trip so it's a bit frustrating to be stuck at this red signal for almost an hour...
Mode = Resume
Route = BNSF Scenic Sub (TrainSimulations.net - Starter Route)
Activity = BNSF Westbound Double Stack (C:\TrainSimulations\ROUTES\TS_StarterRoute\ACTIVI TIES\Westbound_Double_Stack.act)Attached Files
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I have a question about an activity with Scenic Sub Starter Route 2006 version.... I'm stuck at a red signal near the west end of the route with the double stack container train since about 45 minutes.... No train in sight and I'm on the siding passed Everett Station at about MP 27 westbound.... Is there a bug in the default activity? Usually after 5 minutes or so the train I'm waiting for to arrive comes by and the signal goes green and I proceed back on the main.... Anyone experienced that? I have the 3 Dash 9 as power, not at ES44AC. Thanks!
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Must say, for a route dating back to 13 years ago, it's held up pretty well for it's age. Even the stock too, many of which came with the initial V2 release that long ago.
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Thanks for sharing that information about the new Starter route using Scenic Sub V2 and newer rolling stock. I'm downloading it right now and will replace my 2006 version of the route... I was about to ask where I could find the 2011 version of the route somewhere, you answered my question!
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