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Midwest Mega Route Break Up!

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  • BrandonS261
    Thank you Eric for commenting!!

    Josh and I both feel like everyone wants to add to it and make it bigger but no one wants to help on the sections or areas we already have built.

    Matt I will have to decline you're offer as we do not want to make it any bigger then what it is already and would like help on the sections that are already built. If I remember correctly Josh and I sent you the full route a few years ago and you just ran off with it without helping us out at all.

    What Josh and I would like help on are roads, scenery and signals to bring our routes to life. Custom objects would also be a nice addition but Josh and I both know how much of a commitment that would be.

    Most of our track is already laid out with some roads and other scenery objects and we are in the process of breaking up the route into smaller chunks/Subdivisions so it will be easier to distribute and manage in the long term.


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  • eric
    Apparently the message on chances of success of "megaroutes" is being lost on a few people.

    They're a lot of work. Heck, just getting one or two subdivisions done is a lot of work. Don't make it any harder.

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  • amtrakmattburb
    I had been working on a megaroute of my own this year (starting with the rebuild of a route I've released in the past) and it has a little bit of track in the Detroit area as of now. I also got burnt out on that route, so I was wondering if I could merge that into this route or if doing so would make things too big.

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  • qballbandit
    Welcome back, sir!!
    I was afraid to ask that question because I didn't want to scare him off again so quickly!
    Seriously though, that looked like a masterpiece in the making, and I was pretty stoked to have it see the light of day. I remember how excited I was to watch the updates.

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  • BrandonS261
    Originally posted by qballbandit View Post
    Billy the C&M guy??
    Whatever happened to that route?

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  • Metra322
    yep back in business

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  • qballbandit
    Billy the C&M guy??

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  • eric
    Billy's back, eh?

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  • scfe_fan
    Originally posted by Metra322 View Post
    I'm working on the CN-IC to Carbondale and would it be possible to merge it into the megaroute?
    Send me a private message and lets talk.

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  • Metra322
    I'm working on the CN-IC to Carbondale and would it be possible to merge it into the megaroute?

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  • landnrailroader
    I completely agree as well. So far the only route of mine, that anyone grabbed, was one that I completed and released and then Kenny Eaton improved on it. Back in the early years of this hobby, I did four subdivisions of the Milwaukee Road as electrified. One was never released as such, I just did it at the request of Lucas Lussar so he could create the RMD-West. Later, two parts of the Coast Div., one of mine and one by Simon Van de Laak were combined by me (if I remember right). Most of the routes I will currently release as "incomplete" are no greater than one division of a railroad with the exception that today's release is one division and a little of two others. Not many of us have hours to spend running a train through a vast terminal area either, although it can be fun if you have to obey signals etc. Anyway, I have another group of routes that I will release incomplete over the next year or so because at 85, my last Form A and running orders are getting closer than they were when I started this hobby around 2002 or so.

    Jerry Sullivan

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  • BrandonS261
    I completely agree with you Neil. As I said in my first post yes we do need help but as I brought up to Josh it would make more sense to release the routes broken up and as is! This would give others access to the routes and maybe give us our sanity back just a little bit. This may also open the doors for others who would like to help us out with specific sections of the routes.

    Yes its a fun pipe dream but I have come to realize it was all just a pipe dream. That does not mean we could not re-merge the routes back together once completed.

    I know for me my first section I plan on releasing is the BNSF and CP/CPKC from St Paul, MN to La Crosse, WI. I would like to get at least the track work and roads completed before I release it though.


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  • qballbandit
    HI Josh
    I've seen the plea for "help me with my route" many times, and don't see much commitment and forward movement after, unfortunately.
    If you get no serious bites, maybe just releasing what you have completed in sections is a good choice.
    This is not a negative comment directed at either of you - please believe me, but hypothetically - imagine if you both originally set out to complete just a single section, say "Chicago", how much more successful that may have gone?
    The thought of "mega" routes are a neat dream, but the smaller route more realistic to complete, yes?

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  • scfe_fan
    Originally posted by Fish4890 View Post
    tbh id Run from the Begining of the Staples Sub through Bensenville,IL up to the 59th Street YD in Chicago
    First of all, please dispense with the text speak. Second, why on earth would you do that? The Staples sub is BNSF, Bensenville is CPKC and 59th street is CSX. It would take you nearly as long to thread your way from Bensenville to 59th Street as it would to traverse the entires Staples sub. Running straight through and adhering to all the speed limits, thats EASILY a 12+ hour trip. Whilst I can appreciate the ambition to try it, and honestly that's the joys of Train Simming; being able to go where you want irregardless of realism, that is a LONG time to be sitting in front of a computer and that is a LOT of switches to throw to get routed and interchanged onto the right tracks. But it's all a moot point if we can't find people to help us tackle this project that is WELL OVER 10 years in the making. Chicago itself is less of a MAZE of tracks and more of a dysfunctional spaghetti bowl of ancient track work that is only sporadically modernized and streamlined to improve efficiency of movement.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Fish4890
    tbh id Run from the Begining of the Staples Sub through Bensenville,IL up to the 59th Street YD in Chicago

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