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Any Route, Any Train, Anytime! - 2023 Edition

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    Some views on the RMD-East route. Modified.


      Originally posted by rrdiesel87 View Post
      The units that are represented for the route have a wide variety of weathering from clean to almost totally black. Keep in mind that these units in real life would have also be likely used on the Cascade Subdivision to the north and could easily go from relatively clean to completely covered in exhaust soot (from the numerous tunnels and snow sheds) in a matter of days before being washed again.
      Can confirm. This is true even today for trains on this route, even with modern Tier 3 and/or Tier 4 compliant locomotives. Just a few trips (or in some cases a single trip) through the long, choking tunnels in the Cascades or Tehachapi (many of the trains on this route go over both mountain passes on their trip geographically north or south) can turn an engine from clean to FILTHY.
      Case in point:

      5 of Southern Pacific SD45Rs by Marty Bernard, on Flickr
      ~Sean Kelly~
      SP Shasta Route for Open Rails:
      MRL Mullan Pass for Open Rails:


        speaking of dark.....

        Attached Files

        Chicago Railroading Fan


          The one feature really needed in ORTS is more than one sphere of light. Would be nice to see the world lit up with street lights, yard lights in the rail yards, etc.
          Very awesome shot Neil! Looks spot on for the typical night run, something I'm way too used to doing in my 10 years of this career. Haha

          CSXT has been changing things up lately on the former Pan Am District 1, from train symbols to power set ups.

          Today is no different. CSXT's L053 train, former PORU under Pan Am/Guilford ownership, is seen with a MEC sublettered and now back in the hands of CSXT, C40-8W, leading the way with an ES44 trailing, and 32 cars for Rumford. Upon arrival at Danville Jct, L053 will meet L054, and swap power with these two six axles returning to Rigby on L054, and L053 heading back to Rumford with the rag tag pair of Guilford GP40's.

          Last edited by CSRX; 05-10-2023, 14:20.
          -Shawn K-
          Derby Rail Shops
          Maine Central Mountain Division: 25% Track, 12% Scenery.


            Open Rails 2023-05-06 11-44-02 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr


              Chilla that grass is amazing

              Neil that night shot....EPIC

              Those Espee Shasta shots our amazing!!!!!
              Kevin Kelleher


                Omnitrax's ATN was full of Ex-SP Power in one way or another @ one point in time. Now, there's only 2 left. One's staying as a Cement plant Switcher( SD40R 7371 ) but does come & help when really needed. It's in The Old LTEX Black Though. Then there's 5387. It still has a nice Manul Leslie RS3LR Horn, & except for The Letter, you can tell it was once was an SP SD T-Motor ( Now SD40M ). FRA made them take off any SP Refs*. It can get pretty dirty too( mainly leaves though ).
                Last edited by marklester01; 05-11-2023, 21:17.


                  Open Rails 2023-05-07 10-49-24 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr


                    Wow - very impressive!


                      Open Rails 2023-03-11 11-25-52 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr
                      Moncrief Yard.

                      Open Rails 2023-03-04 05-30-28 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr
                      Baldwin Yard.



                        Those yards are impressive!
                        Steve Burr, PE - Clinton, MD
                        Southern Serves the South


                          Thanks i like loading up my yards with freight cars in the sim makes it feel more realistic than a empty one.


                            I agree, great shots Chilla!




                              Mike, is that the KLW model? The textures look really fantastic on it!
                              -Shawn K-
                              Derby Rail Shops
                              Maine Central Mountain Division: 25% Track, 12% Scenery.


                                Open Rails 2023-05-11 10-22-13 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr

                                Open Rails 2023-05-13 04-20-30 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr

                                Open Rails 2023-05-13 04-22-26 by Chris Kidd, on Flickr

