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New Route Editor

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    Has Goku added a compass yet. Moe Smith in Canada is my main beta checker and when I sent him
    a screen clip, where I knew I was looking more or less south east, I included the navigation window so
    he would know the location, but did not find anything to indicate the direction exactly?



      Sorry to ask a more simplistic question, but is there an easy way to modify the Car Spawner with TSRE5? I am wanting to add spawners and some need the direction swapped and some need the quantity/speed changed.

      I tried a couple and got a lot of information on the Pop-Up window, but nothing seemed to pertain what I wanted to do. Maybe I was just reading it wrong?


        Don, you should be able to click the car spawner handle and have all the information you need on the left-hand side of the screen. Direction is set the same way as the old MSTS RE, except now you just watch which way the cars go. I just placed a couple hundred with TSRE, and made only a few mistakes


          Ok, I will try that. Thank you, never hurts to try something again.

          ************************************************** ******

          Ok, now I have a handle on this! That is nice the way the cars are already moving in the correct direction!

          Now another question, the two number amounts that re given in the Pop-Up window, one is a 5 and the other one below it is 20. Which one controls the speed and the frequency of cars please?

          Thank you
          Last edited by Don6218; 01-15-2018, 15:45. Reason: Added Statement.



            The 'Car number' (default of 5), is frequency in seconds between spawns, and 'Car speed' (default 20) is speed in meters per second. 20 is 72km/h, or about 45mph. I have a table of speeds I've been working on if you'd like


              That would be great to have, thank you ebnertra000.

              Also, on this subject I noticed that the "Car Spawner" entry in the pop-up window has an arrow. Does this mean that we can now have multiple Spawners?


                What arrow?


                  Don, are you referring to the 'Car List' section? It can be made to have traffic of different types depending on what you want in a specific area. I have five types on my project.

                  As to the speed chart, here's mine. I think steam4me has one as well, in their car spawner section
                  Attached Files


                    Originally posted by ebnertra000 View Post
                    Don, are you referring to the 'Car List' section? It can be made to have traffic of different types depending on what you want in a specific area. I have five types on my project.

                    As to the speed chart, here's mine. I think steam4me has one as well, in their car spawner section
                    Thank you for that. It looks the same as the one for MSTS.


                      This link gives me the 403 Forbidden "You don't have permission to access /SRTM/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/ on this server."

                      So now what....
                      -Shawn K-
                      Derby Rail Shops
                      Maine Central Mountain Division: 25% Track, 12% Scenery.


                        Try this:

                        I don't know if it's the same, but looks ok.
                        You still need nasa account to download this.

                        edit: I think they moved the directory here.


                          Anyone have any idea why TSRE is suddenly corrupting the tsection.dat file of a route everytime I do something to it even when I haven't touched any tracks (yet)? All i'm doing is adding roads, buildings, updating crossings and putting in trees. Suggestions? I have to keep putting the original tsection.dat in after each save or the route crashes ORTS.


                          PS. This happens with the latest 2 versions of the route editor
                          Old railfans never truly die. They Just lose track.


                            I have been experiencing terrain problems with all the newer versions of TSRE5.
                            As the train passes an area, the terrain pops and moves, sometimes over the tracks.
                            So I use an older version TSRE5_v0.619.exe
                            which seems to solve that problem.
                            However the route will now no longer load into the MSTS route editor.


                              Originally posted by ONRrailfan View Post
                              Anyone have any idea why TSRE is suddenly corrupting the tsection.dat file of a route everytime I do something to it even when I haven't touched any tracks (yet)? All i'm doing is adding roads, buildings, updating crossings and putting in trees. Suggestions? I have to keep putting the original tsection.dat in after each save or the route crashes ORTS.


                              PS. This happens with the latest 2 versions of the route editor
                              From the description it looks like the route was built using the original MSTS Tsection.dat file which gives dynamic track sections 3 digit numbers. The standard tsection.dat which replaced it used numbersd in the 40000+ range and any edits of a route will trash it. You need the Horace utility to update the route tsection.dat file. It is part of in the library here.
                              Beer is not a matter of life or death, it is much more serious than that.


                                Originally posted by Ray Beale View Post
                                I have been experiencing terrain problems with all the newer versions of TSRE5.
                                As the train passes an area, the terrain pops and moves, sometimes over the tracks.
                                So I use an older version TSRE5_v0.619.exe
                                which seems to solve that problem.
                                However the route will now no longer load into the MSTS route editor.
                                useQuadTree = false
                                In settings.txt

                                I think your route has Distant Mountains, and you see it sometimes over standard terrain.

