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    Originally posted by GokuMK View Post
    useQuadTree = false
    In settings.txt

    I think your route has Distant Mountains, and you see it sometimes over standard terrain.
    G'day, I have this issue and I would like to try your fix but I cannot find the "settings.txt". Do I have to create one? If so is it placed in the route folder?


      Barrie, it's in the folder where TSRE is installed


        Originally posted by ebnertra000 View Post
        Barrie, it's in the folder where TSRE is installed
        G"day, there is no "settings.txt" file there, do I need to make one and is there anything special that needs to be done with the entry's.


          Make certain that all files are visible from explorer options.

          Melanie - 3DTrains


            Originally posted by Hack View Post
            Make certain that all files are visible from explorer options.
            G'day Marc, I never install the game in C drive and checked my two installs and all files are visible but no "settings.txt".


              Hi Barrie,
              As soon as you double-click TSRE5 to run it, even before you select a folder, settings.txt is created in the same folder as TSRE5.
              Please excuse a silly suggestion, but if you haven't set Explorer to show file extensions, you will only see a file called settings - are you sure that's not there either?



                Originally posted by slipperman View Post
                Hi Barrie,
                As soon as you double-click TSRE5 to run it, even before you select a folder, settings.txt is created in the same folder as TSRE5.
                Please excuse a silly suggestion, but if you haven't set Explorer to show file extensions, you will only see a file called settings - are you sure that's not there either?

                G'day Ged, I now see the issue now, I was thinking the simulator (game) whereas it is the editor that is being referred to here. Boy do I feel like a dodo.


                  Is there a way to get open rails and tsre not to crash when adding a loose consist to a activity. I haven't checked the latest version but previous versions this happened. I even set the settings to false as well in the text file. Also open rails log show no errors only with some nodes not locomotives or rolling stock. This happened on an activity for the Pocahontas district but haven't tried it on other routes. Please let me know about this. Thanks A Lot!


                    The Loose Consist bugs was fixed in new version.
                    For now you still need to have writeTDB set to false, in next version there will be no need for it.


                      Hi Goku, you probably know this but I think painting via the brush feature in TSRE can really make routes more realistic if done right. This is an amazing feature that doesn't exist in MSTS RE. However, I noticed that TSRE generates many texture files in TERRTEX folder if I do that. This will decrease HDD space if it's just a moderate sized route. Is there any way to workaround this?


                        Compress the textures to DXT when painting finished. You can also change their size from 512x512 to 256x256. You can reduce disk usage 10x using these techniques.


                          Can anyone help me understand why when I'm adding scenery, buildings, roads etc to a route (haven't touched the tracks... YET) that the route loads, and saves in TSRE, but loading in Openrails, it crashes. I open the trackviewer and all kinds of curve and switch track pieces are missing from the route and I have to keep copy pasting the old Track database each time I save in order to run the route... Help? I do have plans for some major yard surgery upcoming and DO NOT want to lose a second of work for nothing..

                          Old railfans never truly die. They Just lose track.


                            Was explained 1000 times. You have two options:
                            1. Convert your route to your current global tsection.dat
                            2. Disable TSRE TDB write using option in settings.txt:
                            writeTDB = false


                              Couldn't find any answer to this so here goes.

                              I am having trouble getting already laid track to snap on in case I go change a piece in the middle of an already laid stretch (i.e if i change gradient on 1 of the pieces in the middle, and want to snap the subsequent piece to the new adjusted end)

                              Any advice would be much appreciated


                                Refresh TDB of this track using Z.

