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    Originally posted by GokuMK View Post
    Refresh TDB of this track using Z.
    Yes you are right. I was not doing it the right way:-

    a) Select piece of track to be snapped
    b) Delete TDB reference by pressing Z
    c) Now track piece will move around & Snap

    Another quibble, which seems to happen only with curves that have been inversed to right hand using X

    The gradient seems to go crazy if modified after the first input! I found a workaround, where I always type the gradient into a separate note pad window & paste it directly into TSRE input, and that seems to work!


      You can use the 'Search' field at on the select object panel. I find this easier that opening a notepad window to do the same thing.
      I have asked Goku about this anomaly several times and I'm sure he is working on a solution.

      Also on his plate is the lack of a Transform Panel and Gradient Panel for Dynamic Track without you cannot set Dynamic Track to a set gradient.

      Another very annoying thing is the use of the 'E' (select mode) and 'Q' (place object) keys.

      I feel that pressing the 'Select Mode' or Place Object Mode keys should immediately select the mode desired.
      They do not and it's quite annoying!

      For instance if I'm in Select Mode it takes TWO presses of the 'Q' key to get me into Place Object Mode.
      IOW, I press 'Q' and then click the left mouse to place a new object but instead I'm still in Select Mode and the track I have just placed, adjusted and saved gets selected again instead of placing a new track section.

      Last edited by Vince; 01-31-2018, 18:08.
      ............Vince ..............
      ...... Author NECv4 .......
      .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
      ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

      On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
      "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
      the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


        Thanks for the tip Vince, forgot I can type in there as well

        Also Goku, great that you have a keyboard free set up as well! Now that I am mostly using a laptop, it has become quite inconvinient to carry a numpad around!


          Hi Joe,

          Re: Keyboard Setup.; Are you saying in the newest release the editor command keys can be re-mapped?

          ............Vince ..............
          ...... Author NECv4 .......
          .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
          ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

          On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
          "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
          the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
          I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


            Originally posted by Vince View Post
            Hi Joe,

            Re: Keyboard Setup.; Are you saying in the newest release the editor command keys can be re-mapped?

            Not a remapping feature, but a numpad free keyboard layout. I work alot on msts using my laptop & have had to use a separate USB numpad prior. Cant tell you how many times i found myself at an airport without my numpad & wondering what to do with all that waiting time. Now i can work off directly on my laptop keboard

            Not sure since which version this has been around


              Almost first Only the first 0.5 releases didn't have it.



                Your editor's ability to align objects to track or roads is really great and I have used it perhaps 100
                times now on my MCOA2 route, but I would like to see a bit of a modification. As it currently works,
                the item is aligned along both the vertical, and horizontal axes which is great if the object to be
                aligned as made with the rotation at 0 about the horizontal axis. However, tall trestles on a
                steep grade, if aligned like that would have the support bents (towers) out of plumb, i.e. leaning. To
                avoid that I build the grade into the bridge structure, keeping the towers plumb, i.e. straight up &
                down. So could we have a variant, switch, or key-in, which, when the object to be aligned is
                selected, the only alignment would be about the vertical axis. I have a multiple section trestle,
                quite tall, over the Green River, on a 2% grade that needs an adjustment like this.

                J. H. Sullivan
                (aka landnrailroader)


                  Yes. It can be done.


                    A Bug?

                    Hi Goku,

                    While working on my route I encountered below, thought it might be worth highlighting if indeed a bug

                    After laying a point, I intended to adjust the terrain around to make it level, so I selected it & pressed F as usual

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	error1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	152.2 KB
ID:	2196417

                    And when I press F, this happens!

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	error2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	160.6 KB
ID:	2196418

                    It seems to happen only to this particular point, as all the other track & including the opposite point work as expected.


                      You got this after pressing 'F' .... Looks like you're on a transfer? Goku has advised me that transfers don't render well in the editor. I have confirmed this; What looks bad in the editor looked okay in Open Rails. How's that location look in the Sim?

                      ............Vince ..............
                      ...... Author NECv4 .......
                      .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                      ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                      On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                      "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                      the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                        I have seen this as well, but on a route with no transfers. In my case, it was a short road piece which would do it every time


                          It's known bug when too short track piece is used. It means that something wrong went with the math and caused NaN in terrain height data.

                          Fixing it has low priority because you can just undo this operation with no risk.


                            Hi Goku,

                            can you explain what is wrong?

                            here you see my settings:

                            consoleOutput = false

                            # main directory of your game data
                            gameRoot = C:/MSTS

                            # route directory name to load on startup by default
                            routeName = asdasasdasd1233

                            # optional start tile
                            #startTileX = -5306
                            #startTileY = 14961

                            # route edit
                            #createNewIfNotExist = true
                            writeEnabled = true
                            writeTDB = true
                            #deleteTrWatermarks = true
                            #deleteViewDbSpheres = true
                            useQuadTree = false

                            # geo data
                            geoPath = F:/hgst

                            # misc
                            #systemTheme = true
                            #colorConView = #FF0000
                            #colorShapeView = #00FF00
                            #toolsHidden = true
                            usenNumPad = true
                            tileLod = 2
                            objectLod = 4000
                            maxObjLag = 10
                            allowObjLag = 1000
                            #cameraFov = 20.0
                            leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = false
                            #renderTrItems = true
                            #useImperial = false
                            #ortsEngEnable = false
                            #oglDefaultLineWidth = 2
                            shadowsEnabled = 1
                            ignoreMissingGlobalShapes = true
                            snapableOnlyRot = false
                            imageMapsUrl =
                            #AASamples = 16
                            #mapImageResolution = 2048
                            #cameraStickToTerrain = true
                            #mouseSpeed = 0.1

                            here is part of my quadtree:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Selection of 4 tiles.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	186.2 KB
ID:	2196424

                            here you see the junction in MSTS-RE

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Junction - MSTS-RE.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	86.7 KB
ID:	2196425

                            and here you see the same junction in TSRE5:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Junction - TSRE5.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	142.5 KB
ID:	2196426

                            now, is it because the tiles are a group of 4 in the quadtree that the terrain is not in TSRE5?




                              If the tiles are standard size 2048x2048m then try:
                              useQuadTree = false
                              in settings.txt

                              If the tiles are bigger, try:
                              useQuadTree = true

                              If nothing works then don't know. I need the route.


                                my quadtree is already at false as you can see in the settings.

                                my question is more about the mix of single tiles and square of 4 small one. MSTS allows us to select, when defining the quadtree, single tile or squares made of 4 single tiles, as i did.

                                Is it possible that TSRE5 do not allow for the quadtree to be mixed?


