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New Route Editor

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    If you have:
    useQuadTree = false
    In your settings.txt then TSRE doesn't use QuadTree so only standard 2048x2048km tiles are visible.

    You need to have:
    useQuadTree = true
    To allow TSRE use QuadTree and other tile sizes.


      thanks, i will try it at "true" later and report to you



        tested...results negative

        were i had terrain, there is no terrain anymore, as seen in the image below, and there are still no terrain in the previous image

        Click image for larger version

Name:	quadtree - true.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	119.4 KB
ID:	2196428

        i can resume my situation like this:

        - if useQuadTree = true, no terrain for any tiles

        - if useQuadTree = false, terrain only for 2048mx2048m tiles or as i call them single tiles.

        and again here is my setting file:

        consoleOutput = false

        # main directory of your game data
        gameRoot = C:/MSTS

        # route directory name to load on startup by default
        routeName = asdasasdasd1233

        # optional start tile
        #startTileX = -5306
        #startTileY = 14961

        # route edit
        #createNewIfNotExist = true
        writeEnabled = true
        writeTDB = true
        #deleteTrWatermarks = true
        #deleteViewDbSpheres = true
        useQuadTree = true

        # geo data
        geoPath = F:/hgst

        # misc
        #systemTheme = true
        #colorConView = #FF0000
        #colorShapeView = #00FF00
        #toolsHidden = true
        usenNumPad = true
        tileLod = 2
        objectLod = 4000
        maxObjLag = 10
        allowObjLag = 1000
        #cameraFov = 20.0
        leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = false
        #renderTrItems = true
        #useImperial = false
        #ortsEngEnable = false
        #oglDefaultLineWidth = 2
        shadowsEnabled = 1
        ignoreMissingGlobalShapes = true
        snapableOnlyRot = false
        imageMapsUrl =
        #AASamples = 16
        #mapImageResolution = 2048
        #cameraStickToTerrain = true
        #mouseSpeed = 0.1

        is there any errors in it?



          It turns out that TSRE doesn't like your quad tree.
          You can open your route/td/ directory and check if you have all .td files listed in td_idx.dat file.


            this is the td_idx.dat file:

            terrain_desc (
            terrain_desc_size ( 67108864 )
            Depth ( 6 )
            terrain_desc_tiles (
            TdFile ( -22 28 )

            only those 7 lines, and only 1 td file in the folder TD


              1. You can send me the route for further inspection.
              2. I see that you are at the beginning of route building, so just remove these huge tiles and create standard and use quadtree = false in TSRE.


                Admin note.... this thread will be locked down when it reaches 40 pages.

                Please wind down any remaining conversations still in progress, and rather than post here, start to open up individual threads to discuss new features/releases, and for resolving problems that haven't already been reported.
                If you like what you see here at, be it the discussions and knowledge in the forums, items saved in our library or the ongoing development of our TSRE Fork, I hope you'll consider a paid membership to help support keeping the site operating.... Thanks!


                  New version:


                  - fixed bug when editing flipped track elevation
                  - new edit box for editing the move/rotate step
                  - new settings.txt values
                  defaultElevationBox = 0 [values 0 - 3]
                  defaultMoveStep = 0.25 [default 0.25]

                  - customize Consist Editor GUI using settings.txt
                  ceWindowLayout = CU1


                    Just a question, concerning placement of scenery items with TSRE5, the pivot point of items, is it set when the object is produced? I have noticed areas that are inclined need to have the scenery items also inclined, but usually they pivot in the wrong direction. For example they will pivot side to side (rotate longitudinally) rather than lengthwise.

                    Can the Rotation Tool for Track be used to alter this?


                      Yes, the shape pivot is defined when you create the object.
                      But you can rotate the object after placement in many ways.


                        Hi Don,
                        I'll add a bit to Goku's answer;
                        + The 'N' key aligns an object as placed level to the slope of the terrain.
                        + The 'H' key will set the 'piviot' or 'origin' point of an object to the terrain altitude at the point where the pivot touches the terrain. This can leave a building with a center pivot with one end buried and the other hanging in mid-air. Like this:
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	As Placed or H-KeyLeveled.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	68.5 KB
ID:	2196546
                        + Use your own life experience to note how buildings on slopes are constructed.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	N-Key Used.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	99.9 KB
ID:	2196547 Click image for larger version

Name:	Rotated.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	92.7 KB
ID:	2196548
                        I hope these pics give you better understanding.

                        I learned all about how the new editor does it's rotation/transform thing by building a 1 tile test route. That took all of 20 minutes so if you want a good way to learn this stuff, have at it.
                        Practicing to use a new tool on a valuable route is not the way to sanity.

                        Last edited by Vince; 02-21-2018, 16:55.
                        ............Vince ..............
                        ...... Author NECv4 .......
                        .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                        ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                        On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                        "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                        the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                        I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                          New Route Editor

                          Hi Folks,

                          Been absent for “a while” - started messing around with TSRE5 and OMG - this isn’t your Dad’s RE... What an incredible effort and an amazing new tool... I’m chuckling to myself with every new feature I discover - like a kid in a candy store...

                          I’m a big Terrtex guy - I noticed the fantastic new feature where we can paint Terrtex right in TSRE5... One thought or question - in Mosaic we had the ability to turn on the track, roadways, and water body features so that when we copied the texture from Mosaic into our image editor - they’re clearly marked on the texture for reference... This allows us to make nice even, smoothed, and feathered - right of ways and shorelines - before applying the modified textures back on the tiles...

                          Is there a way to emulate this in TSRE5 ?

                          Even better yet - would be if TSRE5 could take a given texture and automatically apply to a respective feature - supplying variables like - texture scaling factor - amount of feathering - offset from the feature...

                          These features take so much time to create with Mosaic - yet substantially and dramatically improve the appearance of a route - they’re almost a necessary task in my opinion... Given what I’ve seen so far - it would hopefully fall within your skills to produce... We see so few high quality routes created due to the time required to produce said routes - anything we can do to save time - might see more routes produced...

                          Anyway - thanks for listening and all your hard work...


                          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                          Last edited by scottb613; 02-22-2018, 08:19.
                          <a href= title=thumb_80663.png >thumb_80663.png</a>​ My Blender Models


                            Thank you both for that information. I am going to give it a go.

                            And Vince, I will try your suggestion when things within me settle down a bit. I know what you mean about the sanity!!


                              Si there some kind of tutorial out there to get some of use new guys up to speed on how to use this route builder?


                                If you search "tsre5 tutorials" on youtube a few show up.
                                A couple are pretty good.


