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New Route Editor

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    Ok, I see you included me proper files.
    Originally posted by Vince View Post
    Here are the files you asked for.

    I compared the tiles using Notepad++ and I see only two issues:

    1. Vdb removed. It shouldn't crash RR.

    2. JNodePosn missing tile values, I think here might be the problem.
    JNodePosn ( nan 2.01283e-41 -227.915 10.0021 745.239 )
    Should be:
    JNodePosn ( -10968 14364 -232.143 10.0021 747.88 )

    Fixed in v0.655.
    Last edited by GokuMK; 12-04-2016, 15:30.


      Thanks for your response.
      Sorry for the delay getting the data to you as it took a bit longer than I thought to ensure all data were valid.

      To be clear, RR crashed after an edit of my 2700+ object tile, largest in the route. Way too much stuff there for you to trawl through so that why the test results I sent were conducted on a pretty much empty tile with just a few representative objects.
      A small amount of Track, a few switches, couple of crossovers and maybe 30-50 static objects and one single interactive object, a SpeedPost. Easier for you certainly!
      Believe me, I for sure 'know' what it's like digging into a system memory dump. So many lost nights and weekends. . . . .

      When I get an error free edit of a small tile then I'll go on, a little at a time adding more objects and then on to tackle editing the larger tiles.
      I'll provide any information you need. Just ask!

      I'm still not comfortable editing track (there are no roads) especially now that I have added SpeedPosts, Siding and Platform Interactives to the route.
      Editing with MSTS when Interactives are present is dangerous as I have found out, so generally, I don't do it.
      But I do have high hopes your editor will be able to do just that.

      I will continue with my learning your Editor the same way I learned the MSTS editor by modding the default Marias Pass route. I'll keep notes and let you know of any issues I discover.

      Please take it slow and easy GOKU. You certainly don't want to burn out on this and for my part, there is no hurry at all! I am very impressed at the progress you've made. Much thanks Sir!

      best regards,
      las vegas, neveda usa
      ............Vince ..............
      ...... Author NECv4 .......
      .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
      ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

      On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
      "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
      the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


        New update:

        - support for viewDbSpheres in compressed .W files
        - jNodePosn compressed .W file fix.

        If RR will still crash, please send me the "2700+ object" ile that crashes RR for comparsion.


          Thanks for your response.
          ++ Useful feature #1 On Screen Compass; Very useful to know what direction you're looking.
          ++ Useful feature #2 When opening the editor it the user could select Open at StartTile or Open at EditTile.
          I'm sure I'll come up with more. Just thought of a few, sorry for highjack main sub editing but we'll get there.
          ++ You have camera move fwd, back, up, down. But no rotate? And no move slow/normal speed toggle.
          ++ How do I lift a selected object off the ground? (terrain).
          I want to use the us2_lamp I used for the tests.
          I really do have a use for this as evident in the LIRR route model of the Queens Theater.
          It has around the top of it's structure 'wall washer' lamps.
          I used the us2_lamp as a perfect representation of what's really there.
          If this is documented just say 'it's in the docs' but please dont tell me where!. Because it's MY job to read docs!
          ++In your Help section: A list of keyboard commands, exportable for printing,

          back to subject...
          Sorry for the delay getting the attached data to you as it took a bit longer than I thought to ensure all data were valid.

          To be clear; RR crashed after an edit of my 2700+ object tile, largest in the route. Way too much stuff there for you to trawl through looking for a bug so that why the test results I sent were conducted on a pretty much empty tile with just a few representative objects. A small amount of Track, a few switches, couple of crossovers and maybe 30-50 static objects and one single interactive object, a SpeedPost. Easier for you certainly!
          Believe me, I for sure 'know' what it's like digging through system memory dumps. So many lost nights and weekends. . . . .sigh..

          When I get an error free edit of a small tile then I'll go on, a little at a time adding more objects and then on to tackle editing the larger tiles.
          I'll provide any information you need. Just ask!

          I'm still not comfortable editing track (there are no roads) especially now that I have added SpeedPosts, Siding and Platform Interactives to the route.
          Editing with MSTS when Interactives are present is very dangerous as I have found, so generally, I don't do it.
          But I do have high hopes your editor will be able to do just that as I'm exited to use a new editor. Now that the LIRR phase one is released all future editing will be TSRE5.

          I will continue with my learning your Editor the same way I learned the MSTS editor by modding the default Marias Pass route starting at Kalispell. I'll keep notes and let you know of any issues I discover.

          Please take it slow and easy GOKU.
          You certainly don't want to burn out on this and for my part, there is no hurry at all!
          I am very impressed at the progress you've made. Much thanks Sir!

          best regards,
          ............Vince ..............
          ...... Author NECv4 .......
          .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
          ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

          On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
          "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
          the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
          I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


            Originally posted by GokuMK View Post
            New update:

            - support for viewDbSpheres in compressed .W files
            - jNodePosn compressed .W file fix.

            If RR will still crash, please send me the "2700+ object" ile that crashes RR for comparsion.
            I'm on it,
            ............Vince ..............
            ...... Author NECv4 .......
            .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
            ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

            On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
            "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
            the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
            I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


              Originally posted by Vince View Post
              ++ You have camera move fwd, back, up, down. But no rotate? And no move slow/normal speed toggle.
              ++ How do I lift a selected object off the ground? (terrain).
              Read " How to build Routes":
              It is not up to date, but you find many answers.


                OK thanks GOKU.
                Is there a way to print the entire guide?
                ............Vince ..............
                ...... Author NECv4 .......
                .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                  Originally posted by Vince View Post
                  I'm on it
                  So, works or not?


                    Hello GOKU. Sorry 4 delay getting set for test.
                    I'm testing this order, each time starting out with compressed world files. I use TKUtils to compress world file used in test

                    1. ICHK test establish route is error free before editing.
                    2. Edit small compressed world file 112 objects. Same as I used for previous test.
                    3. ICHK test verify error free edit. If success, next edit large compressed world file.

                    Sorry GOKUK, I misspoke on # of tile objects. It is 2211 objects. Floral Park, New York. A look there in Google will tell you why.
                    4. As in step 1 verify error free ICHK test run.
                    5. Edit large 2211 object compressed world file.
                    6. ICHK test verify error free edit.
                    7. Communicate results. estimate 3 hours from now.
                    ............Vince ..............
                    ...... Author NECv4 .......
                    .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                    ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                    On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                    the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                      Having problems.
                      Sometimes TSRE5 crashes when I jump to a loaded compressed tile.
                      I'm looking into the cause but I don't hold much for a solution tonight.

                      ............Vince ..............
                      ...... Author NECv4 .......
                      .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                      ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                      On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                      "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                      the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                        Before looking for new issues just check if previous is fixed.


                          Is this route available for download?


                            Hello GOKU,

                            Yes it is at file library. Filename
                            If you want to edit route you need make a ref file.
                            Route_Riter is the easy way to generate a new ref file.

                            Starting with compressed w file. Edit seemed to save okay.
                            Route Riter test fails after editing the route.
                            Same result if I start with an uncompressed world file.
                            Attached are:
                            ++ World file compressed and uncompressed copy.
                            ++ Copy of Route Riter run both OK and fail
                            ++ Read me text file

                            Last edited by Vince; 12-06-2016, 03:52.
                            ............Vince ..............
                            ...... Author NECv4 .......
                            .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                            ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                            On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                            "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                            the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                            I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                              I'll download it and check it myself.
                              RR crashes during World-file-integrity (world file <-> tdb). I think if it reports no world file errors, it must be TDB error.
                              TSRE rewrites local tsection.dat even if no new dynamic tracks are placed. Maybe your route is out of sync with your current global tsection.dat file? I will check it too.


                                The Route_Riter stall and crash error appears only after a TSRE5 edit on the Sunnyside Yard tile as it's running the World File Verification procedss. The RR error report is truncated and RR crashes.
                                Edits on smaller tiles appear to work with v0.655.
                                It's the large tile edit that are a problem as RR fails (truncated error report) without error message but I'm able to drive trains through area without problem. I'm Using RR v7.8.10 as test program. Also used v7.6.21 but get same failure.

                                I'll download it and check it myself.
                                Thank you.
                                Please remember the route does not have a full Ref file. Ihere attach the Ref File I use for editing the route.
                                Last edited by Vince; 12-06-2016, 13:01. Reason: attached lirr ref file
                                ............Vince ..............
                                ...... Author NECv4 .......
                                .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                                ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                                On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                                "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                                the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                                I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

