After scratching my scalp, I finally successfully built a 64 bit version. You need to configure it this way: first, you need to choose a 64 bit compiler, like this (picture). Secondly, you need to modify your qmake definition. Like this:
CONFIG += console
QT += websockets
LIBS += -lopengl32
LIBS += -lglu32
LIBS += -L"C:\Users\jjxjj\Downloads\glut32bit64bit" -lglut64
LIBS += -L"C:\openal-soft-1.18.2-bin\libs\Win64" -lopenal32
It is important that you choose glut64 (Attached file) and openal32. The other configurations remain unchanged. After building, enjoy 64 bit TSRE.
CONFIG += console
QT += websockets
LIBS += -lopengl32
LIBS += -lglu32
LIBS += -L"C:\Users\jjxjj\Downloads\glut32bit64bit" -lglut64
LIBS += -L"C:\openal-soft-1.18.2-bin\libs\Win64" -lopenal32
It is important that you choose glut64 (Attached file) and openal32. The other configurations remain unchanged. After building, enjoy 64 bit TSRE.