Random SP Pics
Dusk is admittedly gorgeous
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My Run8 Journal
Rolling Through Bakersfield
Autoracks to Fresno via Kern Junction.Last edited by Ezra; 08-09-2016, 17:12.
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Run8 V2 Teaser ?
I found this pic on the Run8 RTS Facebook page. It appears to be a pic that features new lighting, shadows and weather. (I hope I have given credit where credit is due).
Note: I don`t recognise the route. Although the region is similar to Cajon. Maybe it is the first section of the coming LA route that links up with Cajon. The reason I say that is because I don`t recognise the track section in the background. It is all speculation at this point until the release.
Note: If there is weather coming I hope it is dynamic in nature. However, a "real-time" changing weather model may be too much to ask.Last edited by Ezra; 08-17-2016, 16:04.
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Valley Junction
Random shots around Barstow at dusk.
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Working Mojave
Playing around in Mojave with Santa Fe.
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Run8 V2
I wish as much as you that I could give more than what the development team has already posted on their webpage (under Press Release).
April 8th, 2016
"As you know. You the customer are the most important thing to us and because of that we are putting a lot of cool things that you have requested over the last few years into version 2 of Run8. However it is taking us much longer than we anticipated so we have decided to move the release date out to September or October 2016. This will give the guys much needed breathing room which will help us get things right. In the mean time we are going to release some more DLC for version 1 (which will work in V2) including some Am-fleet cars, smooth sided well-cars (old style and new). and some view-liner cars. And again, as always, we thank you for your support and patience."-- Run8 Studios (my editing).
Note:They have already released the "smooth sided well cars." I can only speculate that the implementation of AI is the one primary feature everyone is waiting for.
Also, there was mention of weather, code changes, GFX improvements, new External Dispatcher, and added memory capacity. Again, these are only rumoured speculations that I have gathered through all the forums and online MP community that probably know more than I do. None of them are conclusive--yet.
If you look closely at the pic (specifically on their webpage), you can see the GFX improvements (new road power [SD-70Ace], air hoses, chrome wheel treads, different ties, spiked rail, clouds, etc.), and a new screen indicating the AI implementation. There are some other features (which by general consensus) are not important to the hard core followers that have also been rumoured: Frogs and points.
Again, all rumours at this point.
Cheers.Attached FilesLast edited by Ezra; 07-31-2016, 14:56.
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New "Train Set"
I picked up Run8 ATSF CE11 Cabooses. They allow one to back-date Run8 a little if you desire. As I mentioned previously, prototypical operation is important and can be fun, but don`t let strict adherence to its dogma strip you of why you entered the hobby of model railroading to begin with. Have fun but also respect the others who vary in their opinions. After all, Run8 is another form of model railroading. Support Run8. It`s only going to get better with V2 around the corner.
Note: I took the photos at Mojave before dusk. Mojave is stunning in the fading light. As you will also see in the next installment. Mojave is a nice little yard to practice in SP. Yes I know it is a UP yard--in the real world. However, in SP, it can be your world.Last edited by Ezra; 07-28-2016, 13:43.
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Busy Barstow
Always something going on in Barstow. More MP experience. The Run8 Geeps are present because I don`t have the "Pack 2" GP40`s yet.
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Two Compatible Interests
I did promise a few pics from my modest "HO" project that never seems to get finished but is always improving. I have always enjoyed the hobby of model railroading as much as Run8, which is also, always improving.
Note: The module is 10`long (2`staging) by 18" wide. It models switching a few locals. It is flat, simple and prototypical. It is far more expensive than Run8. I converted the Dash 8 to a prototypical (B.C. Rail) "Canadian" version. Full TCS WOW Sound, etc. etc. Run8 will change how you model railroad and improve how you model railroad.Last edited by Ezra; 07-28-2016, 13:13.
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Passing Through Barstow
A few random shots during an MP session.
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Humping at Dusk
I have been learning and working the hump yard in SP. Nice and relaxing way to wind down after work.
The car tags (Ctrl F8 twice) designate which track they go to as entered in the (Ctrl-F6) window you activate when close to the hump shack. i.e. You enter the tag on the car (ABC). Enter (ABC) in the track column, in the Hump yard window. When you push the cars at (CTRL-C) for sustained slow speed (2 mph) over the hump, they automatically uncouple and the cars roll gracefully into their classified track. Very cool. What other train sim genre does that?
Note: Run8 is the model railroad I could never afford to have or find the time to build. (Even though I do have a small HO flat switching module). Maybe I`ll sneak a few peeks in next week.
Even then, a prototypical hump yard that actually works is an intimidating challenge for anyone in the railroad hobby. Besides, most model railroaders spend most time alone in it. Which is fine. However, if you want a community to run in, them jump into MP and learn the curve at your leisure. Run8 serves the virtual railroader in spades.
P.S. Yes, I do like CN SD40-2`s.Last edited by Ezra; 07-23-2016, 13:31.
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Racing to Needles in the Fading Light
I was passing east through Barstow while in MP when I noticed an outbound intermodal moving from the yard on Main 2 in the same direction. Most of Needles sub is dual track main so I switched to M1, before Daggett, and slowly caught up until the subsequent "crew change" at a distant signal. Again, the beauty of MP. You never know what you might run into.
Note: I was running 7701 until the crew change at the signal. I had to log-off in a hurry otherwise I would have parked on the siding.Last edited by Ezra; 07-21-2016, 18:23.
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Hard to Stop
Its hard to stop Run8 once you are engaged. Especially coming down the Tehachapi Loop.
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