Hi Ged, hope your well.
As of your last Post Yesterday "My Desktop shortcuts, then selecting 'Properties'. The 'Target' on all three Games/Simulations are correctly Titled.
My Games/Simulation your quote "you seem intent on installing Silent Hunter, Monopoly and Mahjong Towers together. Is Incorrect, they were Installed Individually and checked to see If they were working correctly before continuing to the next One.
At the moment I only have these Three Games Installed, However, this Morning, I again Uninstalled all three Games with the Intention of starting again afresh.
Ho! Ho! guess I really don't know what I am doing after all!
Having Re-Installed Silent Hunter 4 only again, Shortcut Is not working. Going out shortly so will have to leave the rest of this for about an Hour.
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Continuing Administrator/Computer problems Please?
Hi Paul,
You've now told us that all the problem games are on drive C:. Is that where MSTS and Open Rails are located? Do they start OK?
With respect, can you please do what I suggested in the last two paragraphs of my previous post and post the results?
Also, you seem intent on installing Silent Hunter, Monopoly and Mahjong Towers together. It's possible that one of them is causing the problem. I suggest that next time you 'start from scratch', you ONLY install Monopoly and check if that works OK If it does, then install Mahjong Towers and do a similar check. If that is OK, install Silent Hunter and repeat the check. If any one game doesn't start properly, go back to square one and install the other games one at a time, checking that it works correctly before adding the other. This way, you MAY be able to find which is causing the problem.
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Hi everybody, I seem to have created a Mega Problem here.
Whilst trying to sort out this problem, earlier Today, I had a Blue screen message saying
"Your Computer has encountered a Problem and needs to Restart"
But after several Restarts and receiving the same "Your Computer has encountered a Problem and needs to Restart" message
I decided to scrap the lot and Start again.
I have Re-Installed a New Windows 10 and Re-Installed the following Games/Simulations:-
MONOPOLY NEW EDITION, MSTS With some Additional Routes and Silent Hunter 4 "Wolves of the Pacific" GOLD EDITION.
I have Run all three Games And switched between them several Times with varying Saves and they started and Ran OK.
But this time I didn't wait until the evening to shut Down and Re-Start In the morning, This time I Shut down the Computer a
Couple of Hours Ago.
Guess what? It's done the same thing again, None of the Taskbar Shortcuts are responding.
As said previously All these Games/Simulations Have run Before on this Windows 10 OS, all Installed In Drive C:\(followd by the Game Title).
Don't have a clue what to do with this anymore. Really need some help with this one.
Many thanks
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last year on my birthday my computer got hit by lightning from a bad storm
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Hi Paul,
As I have pointed out before, and Gerry in his post, it appears to be a problem with your system.
First - is it ONLY those three games which won't start from their Desktop shortcuts? For example, does MSTS work OK at all times?
If so, are those 3 games on a different drive to your other programs, like MSTS and Open Rails? If so, have you plugged that drive into your PC?
You can check which drive any game is expected to be on by right-clicking its Desktop shortcut, then selecting 'Properties'. The 'Target' line shows the path for the game - ie drive letter and folder.
Start Explorer and in the left panel, look for that drive. If it's there, left-click it and in the main panel you'll see all the folders and files on that drive. Open the game folder and double-left click its executable. Does the game start properly?
I suggest you do the above AFTER clicking the Desktop shortcut has failed to start the game.
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Continuing Administrator/Computer problems Please?
Hi everybody, More problems I'm afraid. Have set this as a New Post as It Is different?
I have a situation going on In my Computer at the moment with games/simulations which I seem to have no control over.
There are Three games in questiion whih I will cover indiviually
1. Silent hunter 4 Gold Edition. This can be played and then saved, go and play something else, come back to SH4 and play a new scenario
or a saved game.
2. Majong Towers Does exactly as above
3. Monopoly New Edition does exactly the same as both above.
When I close the Computer down At Night and Restart It In the Morning none of the above Work from their Desktop Shortcuts.
This Is beginning to really annoy me because I don't know what I'm doing wrong to cause this problem?
I have removed and Reinstalled these programmes on several occassions with no luck
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated please
Many thanks
Paul.Tags: None
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