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    Larry Kudlow on CNBC just said "I dont understand why these other countries dont make <their equivalent to> basis point cuts to stabilize their situation too. Why are we out there alone making cuts? <to artificially fend off losses>".

    The man simply doesnt get it.

    We are the only ones behaving in such a reactionary way because OUR policy is wrong, and the other markets are doing it right. Our policy of doing exactly this type of tweaking is responsible for conditions on Wall St being so disconnected from conditions on Main St.

    I guess that, according to Larry, all good things trickle down from making the quick-buck artists happy.


      So, the US economy doesn't lose Billion$ and we're doing it wrong???

      I'm speechless...



        Originally posted by rdamurphy View Post

        I'm speechless...


        And apparently clueless, too.

        The great Bush Economy now needs a $200 billion stimulus, paid for by ....., so we can all go to Walmart and buy new shoes.

        Of course, Robert will be speechless over how anyone can think having new shoes is a bad thing.


          Seriously, Kenny, your opinions are so far to the left, they're not even on the spectrum anymore. I've never seen somebody who could be so wrong about so many things! I'm curious: What color is your tinfoil hat?



            Too many double negatives for me to follow, and too many ambiguous nouns. For example, Kenny, when you said "The man doesn't get it", were you referring to me?
            Photo copyright 2009 Mike McCarthy, all rights reserved.


              I was referring to Kudlow.


                Originally posted by rdamurphy View Post

                your opinions are so far to the left

                What color is your tinfoil hat?


                Standard off-topic reply when your ass is in a sling, eh?

                But thanks for picking a fight when a fight wasnt present.
                Last edited by Kenny1234; 01-22-2008, 12:56.


                  Hey Kenny I thought you were an MBA with an executive position at a fortune 500 company?
                  Chuck Schneider
                  Chief Cook and Bottle Washer (Virtual CEO)
                  North American (Virtual) Locomotive Works


                    Originally posted by Kenny1234 View Post
                    And apparently clueless, too.

                    The great Bush Economy now needs a $200 billion stimulus, paid for by ....., so we can all go to Walmart and buy new shoes.

                    Of course, Robert will be speechless over how anyone can think having new shoes is a bad thing.
                    Accusing me of "starting something" when you fired the first shot! Great debate tactic. Also very transparent. Unless that eludes you, also...



                      Originally posted by rdamurphy View Post
                      Accusing me of "starting something" when you fired the first shot!

                      You need to look one response up from that to find the first detour off topic and towards a personal attack.

                      Stop acting like a 9 year old.


                        Please explain to me why a so-called great economy needs a stimulus of this degree? Or is the greatness simply a shell game that has detached Wall St from the reality of Main St.?

                        President Bush said he is confident that Congress and the administration will be able to approve a stimulus package to jump-start the economy and calm fears of recession that have shaken financial markets worldwide.

                        The majority feel more correction is needed. Why do we make policy changes which keep that correction from happening? The other markets didnt interfere like that.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Kenny1234; 01-22-2008, 14:20.


                          We don't need short term correction if the price of the correction would be the collapse of the world wide banking system. We need long term correction but we mustn't let this financial crisis turn into world wide financial disaster.

                          I repeat: A Libertarian politically correct "adjustment" is the last thing that we need on this USA Tuesday afternoon, and I say that as someone with strong Libertarian leanings.

                          I agree that the stimulus package is pointless -- it is simply and income transfer from A to B and will accomplish nothing except to add distortion to an already seriously distorted economy. But the Fed bailout is something completely different, and it is absolutely necessary.

                          What the Fed is doing is not an income transfer but instead the creation of new money, and the making available of that new money both domestically and internationally. This increases the ability of the banks to borrow and thereby to lend. Without the vital element of credit availability, our economy will be doomed to collapse.

                          Read Friedman and you will understand.
                          Last edited by zzmikezz; 01-22-2008, 14:30.
                          Photo copyright 2009 Mike McCarthy, all rights reserved.


                            The Feds' printing presses have been working overtime the last 8 weeks. So far, they've shoveled over 200 billion into the banks to keep them solvent. CitiBank will be the first big one to fold if this keeps up.


                              Originally posted by zzmikezz View Post
                              What the Fed is doing is not an income transfer but instead the creation of new money, and the making available of that new money both domestically and internationally. This increases the ability of the banks to borrow and thereby to lend. Without the vital element of credit availability, our economy will be doomed to collapse.

                              But this shoving of money into the system is whats collapsing the dollar - like currency in some third world country.

                              I do agree that when you are on a ledge, you dont do things which might push you over the ledge. But when you catch your balance, you also take the necessary steps to get off the ledge, and you dont spin some story as to how we never were near the ledge.

                              We dont ever seem to take those steps to get off the ledge, and all we do is spin a story that no ledge is in sight. So we stay right there, always on the ledge, waiting for time and probabilities to do us in.
                              Last edited by Kenny1234; 01-22-2008, 14:47.


                                I see two posts of rhetoric and spin, without one analytical fact, source, reference, nor basis in reality.


