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"Heller vs DC" decision thread....

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    "Heller vs DC" decision thread....

    The US Supreme Court, is meeting tomorrow morning (Monday the 23rd) to render their finial decisions before they take Summer Recess... They most likely will issue their decision on Heller tomarrow

    I INTEND, to be home for MOST of tomorrow, just to watch for the decision. If you wish to know the decision quickly, subscribe to this thread, or make a minor post, to subscribe. Because about as fast as I "get the call" or see it on the news, or net.

    I will post it here (or someone else can) , and we can discuss it's effects.

    sigpic The boost is high, and I am flying low...Thunderbird Turbo Coupe

    Frank Roberts
    Charter member since day 1
    Driver, R&L Carriers
    Volunteer Ct Humane


      The importance of "The Right of the People" will determine once and for all if people are individuals citizens as defined by the founding fathers, or defined as the right of the state.

      This ruling will also define;

      "The right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance."

      "The right of the people to keep and bear arms,"

      "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches,"

      "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

      "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people."

      Note, in those quotes from the Bill of Rights, States and People are separate in meaning. If the court rules otherwise, you will no longer have any rights as they will be all given to the Liberals who will soon implement their solution for their new world order.

      Should that happen;

      The Government will have the right to seize your firearms.
      The Government will silence all free speech through the "Fairness Doctrine."
      The Government will implement sustainable communities in the name of Global Warming.
      You will have no say in what happens in the name of Global Warming.


        Liberals Warrantless Searches ?? Whaaaat??

        Originally posted by rpicardi1 View Post
        The importance of "The Right of the People" will determine once and for all if people are individuals citizens as defined by the founding fathers, or defined as the right of the state.
        This ruling will also define;
        "The right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance."
        "The right of the people to keep and bear arms,"
        "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches,"
        "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
        "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people."
        Note, in those quotes from the Bill of Rights, States and People are separate in meaning. If the court rules otherwise, you will no longer have any rights as they will be all given to the Liberals who will soon implement their solution for their new world order.

        Should that happen;

        The Government will have the right to seize your firearms.
        The Government will silence all free speech through the "Fairness Doctrine."
        The Government will implement sustainable communities in the name of Global Warming.
        You will have no say in what happens in the name of Global Warming.
        Hi Ron,
        It's rather interesting that you should bring this up seeing as how the chief-draft-dodger-in-charge, G.Bush, the President of the United States by Proclamation, and not exactly known as a flaming Liberal has already knocked down the second item in your list of 'bad things liberals want.

        "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches,"

        So warrantless searches and wiretapping is a liberal thing?

        Wazzup wit dat?

        Ron, do you not realize that if somone in the government named YOU as a terrorist under the present administration you could be thrown in a cell at Gitmo with no recourse to the courts, just because THEY (not the Liberals my friend) said so.

        To me that is quite frightining.

        In the name of the "War on Terror" the present pack of commies in Washington has done their level best to strip YOU and all of us of our rights.

        Something to think about. It's not a 'Liberal' thing, it's a meglomanic bent on establishing a 'New World order'. The Constitution is being shreded by these evil people, not by imagined 'Liberals'.

        Sorry to bust your bubble Ron but some of the items listed by you are already in force, no Liberals needed!

        I believe in 1, The Rule Of Law and 2, The Constitution of the United States of America and I believe the sacred oath I took to "Protect and Defend The Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreighn and DOMESTIC" on 9 August 1966 is still fully in force.
        With the present administration chipping away at the Constitution we have plenty of Domestic enemies it seems.

        And Ron, I fully support your right to believe and say it's the Liberals fault but it is rather sad you are so misguided. Just sit back and look, really look at what they have done to your Constitution, and THINK what they could do to you or any American just because thaey 'say so'.
        It's just not right.

        edit add; It's rather strange that since the Habus Corpus (sp?) ruling by the supreme court the government prosocuters are scrambling to "rewrite" the 'evidence' against the terrorists held at Gitmo. Now gee, why would that be?
        Again, just imagine it was YOU in there.
        Last edited by Vince; 06-22-2008, 22:26. Reason: add recent news
        ............Vince ..............
        ...... Author NECv4 .......
        .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
        ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

        On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
        "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
        the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
        I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


          Well, it looks like the "Heller" decision will be released later this week, sometime..

          Just WHO, do they think they are, not sticking to the sceadule..., O, yea, they ARE the Supreme Court...they can pretty much do what they want too

          A bit more info...

          With ten opinions remaining to be handed down, this week could well be the last before the Court recesses for the summer. On Monday, the Court is scheduled to release at least one opinion, as well as orders from the Justices' private conference last Thursday. (Click here for our list of petitions

          Stay tuned to this thread, whenever it is handed down, we can discuss it here!!

          sigpic The boost is high, and I am flying low...Thunderbird Turbo Coupe



            "Liberals" are used as a catch-all by the right, for every evil, real or imagined. The right, as well as their polar opposites, have yet to glom onto the fact that, both ends of the political spectrum are being used, against the majority in the middle. Both sides are subsidized by the PTB, and the money behind it. Blue or Red, shirts or skins, it doesn't matter whose "in charge", they all bow down to the same master.

            That said, Ron is very right to be concerned, as should you all.
            Last edited by Paul1953; 06-23-2008, 14:25.


              Originally posted by Vince View Post
              Ron, do you not realize that if somone in the government named YOU as a terrorist under the present administration you could be thrown in a cell at Gitmo with no recourse to the courts, just because THEY (not the Liberals my friend) said so.

              To me that is quite frightining.
              What is frightening to me is that you actually believe that pap! There are no American citizens in Gitmo, never have been, never will be. Only foreigners, who were trying to kill American Citizens, seized on the battlefield. 30 of the terrorists released from Gitmo because of bleeding heart liberals have returned to the battlefield and have been caught again fighting our military.

              Next thing you're going to tell me that tracking a phone call from a foreigner living in the US to a known terrorist in a foreign country is a "domestic" wire tap (even though they didn't actually listen to the call) and violates your rights...

              Go ahead, get in line, Obama is serving Kool-Aid to the masses for the next few months...



                Originally posted by rdamurphy View Post
                Go ahead, get in line, Obama is serving Kool-Aid to the masses for the next few months...

                You mean the next four years don't you. I believe that con-man is going to win, sadly.
                'Course I guess after he wins he'll spike the kool-aid,

                "We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress." -Will Rogers


                  Obama is an empty suit spouting empty rhetoric to empty minds. The perfect combination for the Outcome Based Education crowd.



                    My point exactly.

                    "We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress." -Will Rogers


                      The problem is that most of today's young people weren't alive during the Soviet Union days, and don't understand Marxism or Socialism, and their teachers and professors have told them it's a really good idea...

                      Odd that when Socialists/Marxists/Communists take over, the educated "elite" are usually the ones they purge first.



                        YES WE CAN...put you in jail if we feel like it. GWB

                        Originally posted by rdamurphy View Post
                        What is frightening to me is that you actually believe that pap! There are no American citizens in Gitmo, never have been, never will be. Only foreigners, who were trying to kill American Citizens, seized on the battlefield. 30 of the terrorists released from Gitmo because of bleeding heart liberals have returned to the battlefield and have been caught again fighting our military.
                        Next thing you're going to tell me that tracking a phone call from a foreigner living in the US to a known terrorist in a foreign country is a "domestic" wire tap (even though they didn't actually listen to the call) and violates your rights...
                        Go ahead, get in line, Obama is serving Kool-Aid to the masses for the next few months...

                        Robert, you miss my point completly. Of course there are no American Citizens at Gitmo. . .ummm,
                        but do you really KNOW that? Of course you don't; Anybody could be held in secret and the fact that these commies in Washington think they CAN do anything they want and you'd never know.

                        But I digress; Robert, what I mean is this adminstrations power to do EXACTLY that in the name of the Terror War!! .

                        I'm so sorry to inform you that that is not permitted under the Constitution last time I read it.
                        Yes, Robert, the same Constitution you swore to protect and defend! Think back.
                        Remember? You raised your right hand and took the oath to defend and protect the Constitution of The United States of America against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic (as in those who try to circumvent the rule of law and The Constitution)

                        You see Robert, I remain absolutly true to that oath I took long ago where apparently you do not. Hey, don't get me wrong, it's ( still ) a free country and you are certainly free to take an oath anyway you want. In fact, I'll defend your right to reject an oath if you want to.
                        But I say the draft dodging bastard in power does whatever he wants and you say you're okay with that. Count me outa that platoon buddy.
                        I want each and every one of them to friggin HANG by the neck until dead after being convicted in a federal court for high crimes against humanity and high treason against the People of The United States of America.

                        Meanwhile our brave young men and woman are dying in Iraq while OSBL dances in Afganistan, where IMHO ALL our troops should be from the git-go.
                        Oil may be nice to control but not at the cost of 4000 dead and over 25,000 horribly maimed and thats all these treasonable bastards in Washington sent our brave men into Iraq for was to control the oil. There was NO AlQuida in Irag. Saddam had a price on their heads. He HATED Al Quida. You believe any other reason then you are living in a fantasy land.

                        And thats really sad.

                        But there IS hope. Today the courts slammed the little pissant his fourth defeat.
                        Last edited by Vince; 06-24-2008, 09:41.
                        ............Vince ..............
                        ...... Author NECv4 .......
                        .... LIRR BUILD PHOTOS ....
                        ...... Eschew Obsfucation ......

                        On the The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor there is a Tablet. On it is written:
                        "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
                        the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
                        I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


                          He can hang with that other dodger - Clinton

                          At least he put a uniform on, has Obama? Obama - the Dukakus of the election. I just cannot wait until he puts a helmet on and climbs into a tank to show his toughness.

                          I am so sick of hearing, here in Honolulu, every News reprot on him starts with "Hawaii born."

                          And remember, the DEMOCRATIC controlled House and Senate JUST voted to continue some of his policies, including your phone.
                          Kevin Arceneaux
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
                          What do you call one delusional person? Insane.
                          What do you call a billion delusional people? A religion.


                            Well, Vince, I understand you're from New England, and actual education in the US Constitution is pretty lacking in LiberalLand, so allow me to help you understand what it actually says instead of what you think it says:

                            Article 2, section 2: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;...

                            There are NO Constitutional restrictions on this power. Period. End of sentence. Congress has the right to declare war, and provide funding for the war, neither the Congress or SCOTUS has any power, Constitutionally, to interfere in the execution, command, direction, or conduct of that war. Period. Why don't you make yourself useful, and show me any of what you're purporting in the actual US Constitution?

                            And if you think Saddam "hated" al Qaida, you've either been spending way too much time reading the NYT or you knew him personally.

                            In the mean time, please spare me your condescending, insulting, ridicule. I get sick and tired of ignoramusus such as yourself spouting off the stupidity they've heard without ever making the effort to crack open a book or thinking for yourself. And, no, I didn't raise my hand and swear an oath to the Untied States of America. Mainly because I was educated enough to be able to pronounce and spell it correctly, as in United States of America.

                            Republicans are about as diametrically opposed to being communists as they could possibly get, you might as well talk about the North Pole being in Antartica. Of course, given the ignorance displayed in your post you probably believe that, too.

                            BTW, did you know that the average polar bear devours 30 penguins a day? I thought not...

                            Oh, yeah, you might need this to help you understand what I've written...

                            And it's "Iraq." With a 'Q.' Not "Irag." And it's "fourth," not "forth." Sheeesh.

                            Last edited by rdamurphy; 06-24-2008, 01:02.


                              Karl Schwarz


