An example form Paul's tin-foil hat website:
I guess 4 1/2 years of torture and confinement in the Hanoi Hilton translates into a screw-up, a sex scandal, and a "spoiled" military free ride...
Wow, you've stooped to a new low...
John McCain: Unfit to serve as Commander-In-Chief
The spoiled son of military privilege got a free ride throughout his military career despite repeated instances of sex scandals and screw-ups
The spoiled son of military privilege got a free ride throughout his military career despite repeated instances of sex scandals and screw-ups
I guess 4 1/2 years of torture and confinement in the Hanoi Hilton translates into a screw-up, a sex scandal, and a "spoiled" military free ride...
Wow, you've stooped to a new low...