happy early thanksgiving to all my friends. dont eat too much food lol Jdark34
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I'm thankful ... having been flogged by a giant turkey once as a child while grandfather loaded hay in the barn, I'm glad to have survived the giant bird's slapping wings. And for the pleasure of getting to EAT THE TURKEY! And not vice versa.
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher von Braun
"A software suggestion is not a valid answer to a configuration/troubleshooting question." - Timelmer
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Revenge on turkeys: A house nearby has ducks and geese behind a fence, and there used to be a huge turkey. It seems to be gone. And someone on Wednesday asked me whether my wife and I would eat turkey on Thanksgiving. "No, I'm going to pardon it," I joked. Yes, we ate it.
Turkeys and rails: In one Harold Lloyd movie (it might be Safety Last) he wins a turkey. It's a live turkey, and he carries it on a trolley with a bunch of groceries. It's more than he can hold onto. The groceries keep falling to the floor, and the turkey keeps getting away. It's funny.
Thanks for my wife and family, our home, retirement, and all the helpful people and content providers at Trainsim.com.