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  • eric
    Site Performance
    by eric

    Update: As of around 1500 Central, the site seems to have stabilized

    I'm aware of site performance issues again today.

    The issue so far seems to be latency i.e. slow response and occasional timeouts which might return a System Error response page.

    Our hosting provider did notice some unusually high activity overnight, and I've observed this as well between 0900 UTC and 1500 UTC (0200-0900 CDT). DDOS attacks do happen occasionally, and go away just as quickly...
    Posted Yesterday, 10:04
  • eric
    State of the Site - August 2024
    by eric

    I had to do a double-take when I looked at the date today... Yes, September is just around the corner. With that, my youngest started what's hopefully his last semester at the University of North Texas this week, and my granddaughter went back last week to start her last year in elementary school. Time flies way too fast in that regard. Heading back to school also means one of my favorite times of year -- NFL football is back. While the pre-season is not supposed to be an indicator of anythin...
    Posted 08-23-2024, 00:14
  • eric
    Memberships and Why They Matter
    by eric

    Checking Trainsim has been part of my daily routine for the better part of the last 20 years.

    It's like checking the news -- I turn on the PC or open a browser on my phone, and it's there.

    And I'm glad it is -- there are folks here I've known to varying degrees dating back 20 years, and this hobby is one of the few distractions I get from everyday life, and for that I'm grateful.

    Some of you may not realize how close this site came to being like UKTrainsim...
    Posted 07-25-2024, 11:58
  • eric
    State of the Site - July 2024
    by eric

    Happy Independence Day!

    It's hard to believe we're already halfway thru the year, but that's where we are.

    I do apologize for writing this a bit late -- hopefully by now, everyone who celebrates the day has had a chance grab a burger or brat at a cookout, and is getting ready to sit back and watch for some fireworks either tonight or in the coming days.

    Listening from my home office, the celebrating started in our neighborhood last night and hasn't stopped....
    Posted 07-04-2024, 19:29
  • eric
    Reefer Madness
    by eric

    The folks at TrainSimulations.Net have another great rolling stock set for us....

    Mechanical refrigerator cars are an essential piece of railroading, bringing fresh fruit and produce from the growing fields in California and Florida, as well as meat from the Great Plains and fish from the coasts to consumers nationwide.

    This set offers the standard Pacific Car and Foundry 57' car that was in widespread use from the 1960's to the 1990's. A few still remain in service today...
    Posted 06-26-2024, 10:10
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New to Train Simulation?


If you don't already have software, you can download the OpenRails Train Simulator and a free ready-to-run starter route.

As new accounts may not be immediately able to use the file library here, directly to follow this link to go to and download their Starter Route for Open Rails.

Site Stats

Serving 1,401 files to 328 users over the past 24 hours, and 7,472 files to 1,044 users over the past week. 99 users active over the past two hours.

Random Style of the Day: Rocket

Rocket is based on the colors used by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific. Maroon and red were used from the early 1900s, with chrome accents being added to locomotives in the 1940's as their passenger fleet transitioned to stainless steel cars. A more modern maroon and yellow was introduced on locomotives in 1969.

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